Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Discuss the Influence of Modern Media Sources On Terrorism In a Essay
Discuss the Influence of Modern Media Sources On Terrorism In a Globalised World With Many Cultural Differences - Essay Example The paper will first discuss the impact of modern media on world cultures where it will be argued that the media has become a tool for globalising culture and therefore dissolving the independence of national cultures. The debate as to whether the media and terrorism form a symbiotic relationship will also be analysed. There will then be particular emphasis on the internet to see how it is becoming a new form of violent radical milieu for terrorism. Finally, the role of modern media in advancing counterterrorism will also be investigated. This essay makes a conclusion that advancement in technologies has been an avenue by which terror groups have used of modern media as a powerful tool in advancing their course. With the line of analysis however, it will not be accurate to conclude that the media has done this as a deliberate agenda. Rather, its role in terrorism which is more of a symbiotic relation has been created against its own will. This is because through modern technologies, even small terror groups have had the means of making their actions and programmes hyped on the internet, thereby creating news for themselves. Meanwhile the media is there to report the news, forcing the media to give more attention to terror groups. Again, the internet, which is a key component of modern media, has become an avenue by which news is self-generated. Indeed through the internet, terror groups do not even require the attention of popular international media houses to get attention for themselves.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Investigating Castle Mall management Essay Example for Free
Investigating Castle Mall management Essay The castle mall is a shopping centre located in the centre of Norwich. It is owned by the insurance company Friends Provident. Friends provident employ a whole managerial team who run the centre. This is called Castle Mall Management. This is what I will be investigating in my project. E1 Public and Private Limited Companies (PLC) Castle mall management Ltd is a private limited company (ltd). A private company is a business with limited liability whose shares are not available to the public. A Public limited company (PLC) is a business with limited liability whose shares are not available to the public. PLCs are required by law to publish their accounts. This means that they are available for scrutiny, not only by the owners (shareholders), potential investors, and bankers, but also, by competitors. The Memorandum of Association must state clearly that the business is a public company and it must be registered as such. The term plc must appear after its name. The differences between the two, private and public limited companies are; A public company can raise capital from the general public, while a private company is prohibited from doing so. The minimum capital requirement of a public company is à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½50,000. There is no minimum for a private company. Public companies must publish far more detailed accounts than private companies. Advantages 1) The shareholders have limited liability. 2) It is easy to raise capital by issuing more shares. 3) It is much easier to raise finance because the banks are much more willing to lend money to a large, well established, as they see it as much less of a rise. 4) This all makes it easier for the PLC to grow and expand. 5) The shareholders will appoint specialists to manage and runt the company for them. Disadvantages 1) Setting up a public limited company is expensive. There is a lot of administration work involved and at least à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½50 000 has to be raised before a PLC can be set up. 2) The PLC has to issue much more information about itself and this again is very expensive to produce. It has to prepare and annul report as well as Annual Accounts and these have to be printed and sent to all the shareholders. They also available to the general public and competitors to see. 3) The extent to which any one individual, or group, can maintain control of an organisation is severely limited by the sale of its shares on the stock exchange. A family may find their influence on a business diminished when a listing is obtained. In turn, this means that publicly quoted companies are always vulnerable to take over bid. This may affect the decisions taken by directors. For example, they may be more inclined to cut back on staffing during a recession, whereas a private firm would want to hold on to experienced staff for when the economy starts to recover. E6 Communications There has to be communication between each member of staff for the company to function properly. I will now look at how this can be done within the company. Uses of communication To contact each other To make deals To give instructions To give or receive information To exchange ideas To announce plans or strategies To compare actual results against a plan To lay down rules and procedures Job descriptions, organisation charts or manuals Direction of communication Formal Informal Vertical Vertical * Downwards Between peers, friends or -From superior to subordinate. Colleagues. * Upwards Could be given as From subordinate to superior emotional support. Or to organise a function Horizontal or lateral or party. People of the same rank, (In the same section Or in different sectors) Diagonal Interdepartmental communication by people of different ranks. Methods of communication A) Face to face communications Formal meeting Word of mouth Interviews Informal contact B) Oral communication The telephone Public address system C) Written communication Letters, external mail systems Memorandum, internal mail system Reports Forms Notice board News letters, bulletins, house journals Organisation manual, handbook, leaflet D) Visual communication Charts Films, PowerPoint Presentation E7/A3 Quality Control * Quality is one of the ingredients in the purchasing decision of consumers, who demand ever-increasing levels of quality * Any firms that ignore the quality aspect of both inputs and outputs risk losing market share to those firms who make it a priority. Quality is defined by the Customer W E Deming (American Quality Guru) Quality Defined * It is difficult to provide a single definition for quality as it means different things to different groups of people. Certainly the perception of the customer is a key element. Here are some of the minimum requirements for customer satisfaction: * Fitness For Purpose The product can do what is it meant to do. This is a useful definition as it can be applied to a wide variety of products, including cheap products such as disposable pens. * Meeting the minimum standards prescribed by acts of parliaments Health and Safety, Weights and Measures and Trade Description Legislation provides a legal framework for minimum standards across a wide range of goods. * Meeting trade association standards Some industries have self regulating bodies that guarantee their members work, e.g. the national house building council. In final analysis it is the customers perceptions of quality that really matter, firms must strive to convince the market that their product/service is the best value for money. Quality Control Systems In the past, Quality Control in the UK meant inspecting the product after production has taken place. In other words it was a faultfinding exercise. Today quality control it is all about building in quality at each stage of production. Such a preventative approach reduces the high costs of rejects and re-working. The Japanese perfected this is known as: Total Quality Management (TQM) Basic features of TQM are: * The establishment of culture of quality among all employees * The recognition of quality chains where each stage of production is treated as a separate customer to be valued and looked after * The use of Quality Circles * Empowerment of workforce * The emphasis on after-sales service as well as quality manufacture. TQM is not a management tool but a Philosophy. Requiring a complete mind shift on behalf of the entire company (Managers and employees) Quality Initiatives In recent years these have been many initiatives introduced to assist firms to achieve Assurance.Quality Quality Assurance Refers to all of the activities that ensure the satisfactory delivery of goods and services to end customer. Quality Assurance refers to all of the activities that ensure the satisfactory delivery of goods and services to the end customer. Key factors include: * The quality of inputs such as raw materials and components * The quality of the design process so that the products meet customer requirements whilst still being economic to manufacture * To appropriate skill level of the workforce and its commitment to quality assurance * The quality control methods used in the production process * The quality of advice at the purchasing point and after-sales service The Main Initiatives Have Included: TQM A philosophy of quality QUALITY CIRCLES An informal discussion group drawn from all parts and levels of the business that meets regularly to discuss quality problems KAIZEN An approach to advocates continuos improved in small steps rather than a competitive overhaul of the production system. BENCHMARKING Identifying the best practice of the leading firms and using that as a yard stick with which to measure ones own performance ISO 9000 An international quality certification procedure ZERO DEFECTS A philosophy that encourages all employees to strive for the ultimate goal of a perfect product TRAINING Where management has recognised that for quality to be assured a quality culture must be implemented at each stage of the process; it is imperative therefore to train all employees to have the requisite skills, both for their direct tasks and for quality monitoring Quality can be achieved in diverse ways but the ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer, which of course is a constantly moving objective. The thing is that Castle Mall Management does not sell anything. This can be a problem when trying to implement quality control. To overcome this they have to vet the stores they have in the centre and make sure that they use quality control. This would help castle mall management reach their objectives especially the main objective to make a profit. As Castle Mall management do not sell anything they cant run certain procedures. This means that the design and production side is out of their hands, but is it? If they want to be really sure of what they are getting into they can agree with the firm or business to have an input into what they are selling. For example, they could check the production side of a chocolate shop making sure that their production line is of a high standard and that they are not breaking any laws. Another thing they could check, although not directly liked with quality is where the product is made. If a product is made in a small 3rd world country with the st aff getting paid for example 50p a day they might disagree with this and not allow the shop to trade in their centre. I believe that one of their objectives should be to help the customer in buying a quality product. The use of quality control to add value. * Adding value For landlord * Increase foot fall * Increase spending * Operate a profitable environment City * Investment in the city * Precence Population * Provides jobs * Provide social outlets * Sponsorships * Castle Mall is the only underground shopping centre in Western Europe. This makes it a landmark E2/E3/C1 The objectives of Castle Mall Management Objectives: A statement of what an organisation wants to achieve Objectives are a statement of what an organisation wants to achieve through its operation. A firms formal objective is given in its memorandum of association, and larger firms may publicly state their general philosophy and values in a list of objectives. For most PLCs profit is only one goal among others. Objectives provide criteria for decision-making. Most firms harden these general objectives into more dynamic aims, which are intended to drive the organisation forwards in the chosen direction. Mission statements are focused declarations of intent, designed to energise staff at all levels to work in common cause. In practice the overall objectives of a large firm need translating into terms that have meaning for each operation or function. This may mean that one objective is particularly highlighted. 1) The Main objective is to make a profit. They have to make a profit in order to ensure that the investors i.e. Friends Provident get return on their investment. This is the main objective of most businesses; they set out to make money. If they do not then they are considered a failure. 2) To provide a Safe and secure environment for their customers. In order to make a profit people have to come in to the centre. If possible customers feel that the centre is secure and they will be safe then they may visit and return for all their needs. If they consider the centre and car parks not to be safe then they will not visit as they feel that they or their property is not safe. 3) To increase footfall per year. The footfall is the amount of people that visit the centre in a measured time. The more people that come in the more chance of them buying items and the Castle Mall making a profit. Even if a non-customer walks through the centre everyday on the way to work then they may see a shop or an item in a window, which they may come back and buy it when they want it. 4) To increase amounts of visits per person. This is not the same as footfall as footfall is the amount of people who visit the mall, whereas the 4th objective is to increase how many times one person visits in a measured period. Again more visits means potentially more profit. 5) To increase visits from within a large catch-ment area. Trying to gain custom from shops in a large catch-ment area. This means trying to get potential customers from other places of Norfolk up to a 1-hour drive away. 6) For customers to stay longer when they get there. The longer the customer stays the more money they are likely to spend. Also with plenty of food restaurants in the mall if people are there a long time then they may get hungry and buy food. This will help increase profit. The overall objective all the objectives lead to is to Make a profit. E4 The Functional areas of Castle Mall management Ltd The main functional areas of Castle Mall Management Ltd are; * Marketing * Accounts * Administration * Security * Human resources * Food Court * Customer service Each area has its own responsibilities and objectives. Next I will explain each areas responsibility; * Marketing Public Relations Advertising -Briefing the creative/media buying agencies -Approving copy and schedules -Ensuring targets and deadlines are met Web Site Christmas Decorations Promotions -Events -Displays -Activities Research Sponsorship Buying -Maintaining stock levels -Existing literature -Briefing in new requirements -Checking prints quality -Distribution Health and Safety checks on displays * Accounts The accounts section of Castle Mall Management Ltd looks after the money side of the company. This can involve checking and counting all the money side of the centre. This can range from making sure people have paid their rent and how much they should have paid to counting the money that is put into the car park pay machines. This is a very important side of the company as without them they would not get any money in and staff would not get paid etc. * Administration Admin look after the paperwork side of the company. This can involve writing to perspective clients and customers with information about the centre. Also it can involve internal communication helping the company run. Without the admin department the company could not run, this is because they basically sort everything out. If a letter needs to be sent, a contract needs to be singed or a delivery needs to be taken admin are there, if they cannot sort it out then they can contact a someone who can. * Security The security department is a very important in the Castle Mall. Weather you see them or not they are always there. There are a team of highly trained security staff patrolling the Mall 24/7. This offers a visual presence for the customers, making them feel safe and secure. What the customers dont see is the main control room where the operation is run from. Here they control over 50 cameras. Some of these are visual to the customer, some a hidden Matchbox cameras which can be hidden basically anywhere. The CCTV system is very important in the mall, if a situation is spotted then the security guards can be contacted by radio and told any information they need to sort it. The security staffs also are called into action when there is a fire alarm. When this happens the mall is evacuated and the fire service is called, when they arrive its the security guards job to show them to the area where the alarm is. When the all clear is given it is the guards job to let everybody back into the m all. From shoplifters to lost customers the security guards are helping the mall function properly. * Human Resources The human resources department is in charge of the employment side of the company. This can involve placing adverts in the paper for a new position, looking at the application forms. Deciding on candidates and then interviewing them. They would then have to decide on a new employee with their experience and knowledge. * Food Court The food court has a different sort of agreement with Castle Mall Management, they are directly accountable to Castle Mall Management Ltd as there targets are set by them. If they are struggling to meet this Deadlines Castle Mall Management will intervene and try and sort the problem. As they have this relationship the profits they make are shared with Castle Mall Management. This is a pre-arranged agreement, which was sorted when the mall opened. As the food court is a large part of the mall and is closely linked with Castle Mall Management they have their own manager within Castle Mall Management. It is their job to make sure that the food court are meeting their targets and are running with no problems. * Customer Service The customer service desk and team have a large area to cover. They basically look after the customers of the mall. Here are some of the areas they cover. Information services for the mall and local area. Security Car parking Disabled parking and access Disability service Shopmobility Information leaflets Public relations informing public about evens Baby changing facilities Good signage and directions First aid Directory leaflets Also the customer service desk is also the first place to make a complaint. It depends on the nature of the complaint as to how it is dealt with. However, all that make a complaint will get a letter of some kind of response from the centre manager. All complaints are dealt with as soon as possible. If necessary clients/customers will be invited backs and helped. One example is when a fire alarm went off and a mother with a toddler with a pushchair had to carry the pushchair down flights of stairs because she had taken the wrong turning. She aired her concerns to CMM Ltd who invited her back to show her that there was an access/ exit especially for disabled/pushchair access. This alleviated her concerns and she is more than likely to return to the shopping centre because her concerns were dealt with efficiently and effectively. Complaints cam be made either through the information desk or by post. Customer fills in form They will then be sent to the management suite where the corresponding manager will deal with it. Investigation carried out And acted upon E5/C2/A1/A2 Organisational structures When you look at the structure of Castle Mall Management it looks, as it is hierarchical (See additional page 1). This is not 100% true, when I asked Erik Kirk the manager of Castle Mall management Ltd he described them as having elements of all structures and cultures. Organisational structures can be described as flat, hierarchical or matrix shaped. Where decision-making is decentralised, the structure tends to be flat. This means that managers and the staff are given wide ranging responsibilities in deciding what to buy, what prices to charge and which staff to employ etc. An organisational structure where decision-making is decentralised it can be described as flat because it does not have many layers. A disadvantage of this type of organisation is that decision-making can be slow. For example any decision that is made this way can take a long time. However, the decision-makers have the advantage of being close to the others day to day activities. In other words there is not along line of communication between the decision-maker and the work to be done. The most extreme version of this is the sole trader who does all the work and carries out all the decisions of the business. Some organisations have in recent years cut out layers in the middle management with the aim of improving communication and decision-making. It can be called de-layering this has had the effect of widening the span of control of the managers who are left. This means that managers can become overwhelmed by the information coming to them and the quality of decision-making suffers. The managers start to loose control over practices and procedures. Narrow Span of control Wide Span of control An alternate way to run the business is to centralise operations. This approach takes decision-making power away from junior staff. This resulting structure is described as hierarchical. Senior staff makes all-important decisions. Below is an organisational chart showing a centralised structure it has several layers of command and is pyramid shaped, i.e. wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. Most large businesses are organised in a hierarchical structure. The senior managers are responsible for taking decisions affecting the whole, or large parts of the businesses whilst shop floor workers mainly carry out decisions made by others. Manager Senior supervisor Senior supervisor Junior Supervisor Junior Supervisor Junior Supervisor Junior Supervisor Shop Floor Workers Shop Floor Workers The Key advantage of a hierarchy is that it allows strong leadership and centralised decision making. It ensures that the organisation has a consistent policy, approach or activity. A problem with hierarchy is that the line of communication between top and bottom might be quite long. There are layers of people who to receive and pass on information and at each stage the Information can be reinterpreted or misinterpreted. One way of avoiding this problem is to delegate decision-making. This means that people within the organisation are given the authority to make decisions themselves rather tan wait for instructions from the top. Advantages and Disadvantages of centralisation Advantages * Bulk buying reduces costs * Fewer staff are required in the whole operation. * The scope for specialisation increases * Producers such as ordering and purchasing can be standardised * Planning and control tends to be more effective * Decisions are made for the good of the company rather than the branch * Leadership is likely to be stronger and more consistent Disadvantages * Middle managers may be less motivated because they have less responsibility * Local needs are less likely to be met * There is less flexibility * There may be more administration * Communications between different sections might be poor * The burdens of management is more concentrated to the centre More example of Structures Location Allied Breweries Ltd Calsberg/ Allied Breweries Allied Tetley UK Netherlands Breweries Trading World-wide Product Allied Lyons PLC Spirits Retailing Brewing Food + Manufacturing Wholesaling Some organisations have structures that cannot be described as flat or hierarchical. They use tears that cut across traditional departmental boundaries. Sometimes the tears are permanent, in other cases the are brought together for a specific purpose. Project tears are increasingly being used by businesses to develop new products. Such tears have MATRIX STRUCTURES. In that the have members drawn from several departments. One example of a project team is the one Rover used to develop the 600 series. From the start of the project, stylists, manufacturing, production engineers, production line operates and suppliers all worked together. All team members had the authority to act without consistent referral to senior management. Stylists Engineers Team Leaders Production line Operates Suppliers How does the organisational structure affect its performance The organisational structure of Castle Mall Management (or as they call it the Family Tree) has a hierarchical shape. This means that there is one main centre manager. The centre manager Eric Kirk then goes directly to a deputy centre manager. They then lead directly to four other managers of separate divisions. The marketing, food court, security and administration manager all then head a team in that department except the marketing manager who has no team and works closely to the deputy and main manager. The structure shows that the centre manager has direct input to the four division managers. I believe that having a structure of this sort will be successful. This is because everyone has a link with everybody else. If there is a problem then there is always someone there to sort it. Also as the main manager has close links with most of the staff under him so if he makes a request they may not mind carrying it out. I think that the structure helps Castle Mall Management meet and exceed its objectives because they work well as a team. This is because everyone is linked with everyone and there is always someone to help you out if need be. You see how important they find these as they call there structure the Family Tree. This can help with all objectives, especially the objective, to make it a safe and secure place for the customers to shop. If the employees believe they are doing a important job and feel wanted as a part of a team then they may put more effort. This means that they may make the extra little bit of effort to clean a spillage etc. The management culture The management culture of a business is how the people very high on the hierarchy act to the lower down employees and their associates. It depends on how managers act, if they tell people what to do or if they leave it up to them to make their own decisions. A good model to show this is the leadership continuum. Autocratic style Participative style Free-Rain Style Consultative Consensus Democratic Autocratic style An autocratic leader maintains most of the authority by issuing orders and telling what to do without consulting them. To the autocrat, the basis for leadership is formal authority. Autocratic leaders may have a few favourite subordinates but they usually regard close interpersonal relationships with group members as superfluous. The autocratic style of leader is generally in disfavour in modern organisations. Participative style A participate leader is one who shares decision-making authority to the group. Participative leadership occupies enough space on the continuum to warrant dividing it into three subtypes: Consultative, Consensual and democratic. A Consultative leader solicits opinions from the group before making a decision, yet does not feel obliged to accept the groups thinking. A standard way to practice consultative leadership would be call a group a group meeting to discuss an issue before making a decision. A Consensual leader encourages group discussion about an issue and then makes a decision that reflects the general agreement of group members. Consensual leaders thus turn over more authority to the group than consultative leaders do. The consensus leadership style results in long delays in decision making because every party involved provides input. Free-rain style or laissez-faire style A Laissez Faire or Free Rain leader turns over almost all authority to the group members and does as little leading as possible. Given a situation in which the work to be done by each employee is clearly defined, weather it is sorting coupons or cutting gears with laser beam, such leaders maintain a hands-off policy. They make few attempts to increase productivity or to coach their employees. At times the free-rain leader is a abdicator who cares very little for productivity goals or developing subordinates. Erik Kirk of Castle Mall management is certainly not like this as he has very high targets and standards. As with any leadership style, there are some situations in which an autocratic style is appropriate. One example is a high-accident work area where the employees are not particularly knowledgeable about the potential risks. Many autocratic leaders have been successful as high-level leaders in the private and public sectors. One good example of this is taken from Management and organisation by DuBrin, Ireland and Williams. Jack Traimiel, the controversial executive who has occupied key positions at both Commodore and Atari. A co-worker of Tramiels said, Commodore was the house that jack built, and when he left the company, so did the spirit, the aggressiveness and the drive. Decision making also went by the wayside Castle Mall Management are democratic and laissez-faire at times but are autocratic at times of: * New Employees New employees may not know about certain parts of the business so if they make decisions however small they could make curtail mistakes, which could cost money or customers. Also if they are not taught they may never learn a certain technique and carry on using the wrong way forever. * Health and safety Health and safety is very important as it involves the welfare of workers and customers. If they want to meet their objective of proving a safe and secure place for people to shop they will have to be very strict on this subject. This means that precise decisions need to be made which are in lines with all guidelines set by the governments of the world. * Security Is very important, again if they want to meet their objectives they will have to be very strict and precise on security matters. This may involve making decisions based on laws and keeping information form other employees lower down the hierarchy. Erik Kirk and his associates like to have a team of workers who are loyal and work hard. He also likes to make them feel part of something, a team. He has an open door attitude when it comes to this. He likes to feel that if there is a problem it can be sorted. No matter how small the problem is he feels that he can help providing answers and privacy. On paper the structure appears hierarchical but it does have elements of a flat structure. Overall the culture is: * Philanthropist in attitude * Good work ethics * Relaxed * Productive * Efficient * Good and open communication channels * Clear objectives * Safe and secure working environment E6 The use of ICT in communications Castle Mall management would be severally impaired without ICT. The main use of ICT is communication. There are many areas of communication featuring ICT, these are: * E-mail Internal External * Web site * Alarm System (2 way communication) * Reports * Telephone (external + between departments) * CCTV + Mini cameras E-mail Castle Mall Management uses E-mail to communicate between department, level and centre. E-mail is a very good way of communication as it is virtually instant. Also you can send designs, graphics and programs as attachment files. This is very helpful as it saves in paper costs and also cannot be lost as with paper. Castle Mall Management uses E-mail to communicate with each other no-matter where they are in the building or country. For example a admin worker could e-mail his supervisor to alert them of a problem or just to book holiday. Another example is Erik Kirk the main centre manager E-mailing another manager of another centre alerting them of a security problem. Web site Castle Mall Management help run the web site. Some Castle Mall Management staff has been trained to update and redesign the web site. The web site can be used to make customers aware of events and new promotions. It can also give customers information about what shops are in the mall and what services are available. Alarm systems The alarm system in the mall has a communication system built in so if there is an emergency most people in the mall can contact each other through the alarm system to find out whats happening. It can also pinpoint where a person is so if they are in danger then they can quickly be located and helped. Reports Reports are written by all sections of management so that other people in other positions know what is happening, why and when. They are written about special events to inform people what is happening and how successful something was. Also reports are written once a week, month and a major one written each year. These reports are read by managers and then sent to Friends Provident or FisPam. To let them know how they are getting on. If there is a problem with the reports then friends provident will try and suggest ways to rectify it.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Manipulation of Truth in Oliver Stones JFK Essay -- essays research p
Manipulation of Truth in Oliver Stone's JFK Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Oliver Stone is a master of manipulation. Being an expert in the art of directing, Stone is able to make an audience believe whatever he wishes. In the 1991 film JFK, Oliver Stone manipulates facts in order to convey a fictional conspiracy involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Zapruder film and the magic bullet theory are two facts that Stone employs to trick the audience into believing his fabricated tale. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Stone unfolds this film through the eyes of Jim Garrison, the district attorney of New Orleans, who believes that there is more to the assassination than what has been presented in the past. Although three years have gone by since the conclusion of the trial, Garrison feels personally obligated to uncover classified information that will prove a complex government coup d'etat. Garrison's idea that the United States government is somehow related to Kennedy's assassination is first seen in the opening of the film. Stone flashes scenes from the Zapruder film (an eight millimeter live video of the shooting) where he mutes the original audio sounds and replaces them with ceremonial music, representative of the United States government. Being that the Zapruder film is a piece of documented evidence; a general audience does not question its validity. This replacement of sound is a conscious attempt to foreshadow the conclusion that Stone wants the audience to come to at the end of the film. By linking together visual images of the assassination with military music, Stone sends a subliminal message that two are somehow related. In reality, this connection is nothing more than a fictional interpretation contrived by Oliver Stone. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Where does reality end and fiction begin in Garrison's conspiracy theory? This is a question that one must ask themselves before viewing the final episode of JFK. The final element of the movie is made up of an intense and captivating courtroom scene. It is here where Garrison culminates the entirety of his speculations and presents them in front of a court of law. Are Garrison's suppositions valid, or is it the way in which he presents these conjectures that makes them appear to be true? Garrison's passionate and charismatic rhetoric makes his accusations exce... ... righteousness in the name of their former president. Testimonies from witness present at the assassination, in reality, do not exist. Because of the emotional high being experienced, viewers do not take the time to separate what is fact in Garrison's testimony from what is fiction. Stone successfully uses his final presentation of the factual Zapruder film to coerce a majority of both audiences into believing his contrived tale. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Oliver Stone incorporates facts such as the Zapruder film and the magic bullet theory into his 1991 film, JFK. This film is not intended to be a documentary, but rater a persuasive work of art that uses facts in order to convey fiction. Being a master of manipulation, Stone is able to alter the way in which he presents these facts, causing viewers to believe that there is a conspiracy involving the Kennedy assassination. By using techniques such as replacement of sound and repetition of footage, Oliver Stone forces viewers to make false connections and experience intense emotions. Through careful manipulation of evidence in JFK, Stone successfully persuades a majority of viewers to believe an ultimately fictional conspiracy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Speech for Home work and special education teachers
ââ¬ËThis slide presentation is for a survey that I have undertaken. The survey is titled ââ¬ËA phenomenological Study of Homework from the position of simple particular instruction instructors of pupils with larning disablements. ââ¬Ë The hardy trades with the positions and experiences of instructors of pupils with larning disablements sing the value they place on prep. The value and the really capable of prep have been really controversial to many over the centuries since prep has been portion of the educational system in the United States of all time since schools were founded. In the 1800s, it was typical to hold 14-21 hours of prep given to pupils per hebdomad. It was during this clip that the value of prep started to be questioned. It was in 1897 that Dr. Joseph Mayer Rice questioned the construct of prep. Besides In the late 1900s a diary by the name Ladies ââ¬Ë Home Journal ran an article that rallied anti-homework protagonists who claimed prep was unhealthy and wa nted it abolished. In the 1920s The American Child Health Association conducted a survey that found out that kids could be negatively affected by prep. It was besides suggested in the thirtiess that prep was non just and infringed on household clip. Besides, the Society of the Abolition of Homework was founded. The 1940s saw an instruction displacement from boring jobs to problem-solving schemes. Following the launch of Sputnik in 1957, the U.S. Government faulted the deficiency of prep as the ground American kids were falling behind their Russian opposite numbers. In the 1960s the belief persisted that prep trumped all of import activities. The 1970s saw many political and cultural alterations that surrounded the Vietnam War and Civil Rights motion and one time once more homework went by the roadside. A 1980s study entitled, The State at Hazard stirred up instruction and reported that averageness was acceptable in schools. The No Child Left Behind statute law in 2000 took the phase , and schools began to experience force per unit area by the authorities to execute and put higher criterions. The demand for research is fueled by the fact that prep continues to be assigned to pupils and yet both instructors and parents and instructors question its effectivity and how it contributes to the pupil ââ¬Ës academic accomplishment. Many simple school instructors have different perceptual experiences and beliefs when it comes to giving prep to kids with larning disablements. Children with larning disablements may either non turn in their prep or non complete it. This would take to either the pupil neglecting the category or even in worse instances the pupil might drop out of school this is really apparent since surveies have indicated that kids with acquisition disablements are besides non graduating at the same rate as most of their schoolmates. Students with larning disablements lack to turn in their prep due to a twosome of grounds for illustration some assignments may be excessively long or excessively hard for them to understand while others may hold ill-defined waies. The whole survey is based on points of those who have been for or against prep. After I did thorough reappraisal of the related literature I found out that phenomenological surveies had non been conducted sing pedagogues ââ¬Ë histories of prep assignments, a spread that this qualitative survey addressed. Such diverseness of perceptual experiences and attitudes sing prep required a critical scrutiny of educational patterns and single instructor experiences with prep. I besides conducted a reappraisal by obtaining and reexamining multiple school territory policies sing rating prep and burdening the assignments in concluding classs. The consequences indicated that legion pupils are neglecting because they submit unfinished prep or make non subject any prep. Deductions from this survey may include alterations in the ways prep is assigned ( if it is assigned suitably ) and a reconsideration of rating processs. Deciding non to rate prep or perchance retracing and modifying prep assignment s for pupils with larning disablements could be a possible result of this survey. A secondary result might affect opening teacher treatments with decision makers about set uping prep policies in school territories every bit good as custom-making prep to the abilities of the pupils. Small research has been conducted on instructor positions and their ideas and feelings sing the prep assigned to the population of pupils with larning disablements. The information gathered in this survey will assist pedagogues and decision makers gain a better apprehension of the experiences, feelings, and ideas of instructors on prep. By leting instructors to portion their experiences, this research could lend to better professional development to fix instructors for progressively diverse scholars. Teachers ââ¬Ë preparations sing prep have besides been a concern with respect to decently composing custom-tailored assignments for pupils with larning disablements. A study coupled with an interview of more than 300 instructors was conducted and merely one person claimed to hold taken a class that focused on prep. In add-on, a instructor study was besides completed and merely 18 % had really attended professional development workshops on the subject of prep assignments can be created that are structured and tiered harmonizing to a pupil ââ¬Ës skill degree to assist further positive experiences in larning which in bend could ensue in a better entry rate of prep, higher go throughing rates in categories, every bit good as lower keeping rates and drop-out rates. So to paint a clear phenomenology was used to transport out the sturdy. The chief intent of this sturdy I undertook was to place the ideas, feelings, experiences and attitudes of the instructors of pupils with larning dis ablements in classs 3'6 sing the value, application, and creative activity of prep assignments. This phenomenological survey involved face-to-face interviews of instructors at multiple sites i.e. diners, diners, schoolrooms, conference suites. The choosing of the location of the interview was a affair of common convenience. The instructors were besides observed and anecdotal notes were taken. Teachers selected for this survey were those working in public school territories in the State of New York. These instructors had to hold been presently learning pupils with larning disablements in classs 3? 6 and had to hold had at least two old ages of learning experience. For the intent of the sturdy I conducted 13 interviews with the instructors who met the aforesaid demands. In order to enroll instructors for this survey I posted a publication on particular instruction web sites, instructor sites, and the Council for Exceptional Children. Participants were non compensated for the interviews. During the interview I easy gained and established resonance and trust with the aid of repeating how much this survey will help others and how much their sentiment agencies. Once resonance was established I explained to the respondents the demand of the digital tape recording equipment was explained. All inquiries were asked in the same order to compare informations consistently. The inquiries were concise, standardized, and open-ended to let for free ideas to happen from the participants. Once the interview was completed, participants were asked if they would wish to add anything. It was explained that their information will be kept confidential and that they will have a transcript of the typed transcript in the mail and to do any alterations, mark, and return to me. Known as member-checking, this process ensured that the reading made was free of any mistakes, and was concise and accurately reflected the message of the participant. Participants were assigned an alphameric codification to guarantee confidentiality. The intending units were so ranked, compared, and reduced from intending units to subjects and tracked utilizing a spreadsheet to cut down the information into identified subjects. Concepts and subjects that emerged from the interview procedure were compared and analyzed. Upon reexamining each written text, a content log of intending units were reviewed, and emerging subjects were recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. In this survey, accent was placed on the positions of the particular instruction instructors ; therefore, the result of this survey should hold an impact on the manner pupils with learning disablements are assessed, which may do instructors to reexamine their schoolroom prep policies and processs to outdo run into the demands of these pupils. In conformity with the intent of the survey to cognize the positions of instructors for the particular instruction sing their experiences in making appropriate prep assignments for pupils with larning disablements, six research inquiries were designed and developed by reexamining the related literature. The input, positions, and experiences of the instructors from their ain schoolrooms were really of import for understanding the ground prep is given. It besides gave a clear image on the value that teachers topographic point on prep, and the type of prep assigned. The inquiries for this survey were developed from the reappraisal of related literature. These inquiries are as follows: 1. What values do instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6 topographic point on prep patterns? 2. How do instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6 usage prep assignments? 3. To what extent do instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6 believe that prep contributes to higher academic accomplishment? 4. Why do instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6 assign prep? 5. What professional development preparation has instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6 had in the creative activity of prep assignments? 6. What is the school territory ââ¬Ës policy regarding prep for the instructors of pupils with larning disablements in classs 3'6? The response of instructors for the above inquiries is as follows: Question 1: The instructors interviewed responded that prep could be done at school. They responded that prep should be checked but non needfully graded Question 2: The instructors interviewed responded that they kept an docket book to maintain path of prep. They responded that math prep was the easiest to modify while spelling prep is consistent for all pupils. They besides responded that prep provides good support of earlier acquisition. Question 3: From the interviewees response there was the belief that prep contributes to higher academic accomplishment as prep increased academic accomplishment in pupils with larning disablements since it provides good support to what is learnt in category. Question 4: The instructors responded that they do delegate prep since it has great value in linking place and school. The instructors besides believe that prep lets parents cognize what their kid is larning in school. Question 5: The instructors responded that they had professional development developing specifically related to bettering prep assignments in footings of the sum, type, length and other best pattern facets of prep. Question 6: Most of the respondents are incognizant of school policy and that afterschool prep aid is provided to pupils who need the aid. From the findings of this sturdy I was able to come up with a few deductions of the position of instructors of pupils with larning disablements towards prep. These deductions have a direct bearing on the current usage of prep and how or if instructors make effectual usage of prep as an assessment tool or how they align assignments to run into the demands of their acquisition handicapped pupils. What is the value? Teachers value prep based on this survey. They value it so much that excess clip in school is utilized every bit good as resources and funding to provide aid to pupils to finish their prep. Homework is checked, but non graded and this is based on the fact that many instructors reported that they want a pupil to try the work and they do n't cognize how much or how small aid they are having at place. There is a gulf between prep assignments and lessons which seems to thwart the acquisition handicapped pupils every bit good as instructors. There seems to be no force per unit area to alter the current pattern or struggles with equals in relation to amount or type of prep assignments. Feedback is of import and valued every bit good as the instructors are looking to see if pupils are comprehensive to the stuffs taught in category. Sing the usage of prep assignments: Teachers felt a demand to utilize an docket or assignment tablet for learning handicapped pupils to be able to maintain path of their assignments. Two topics were outstanding in prep assignments: math and spelling. It appeared the ground for this was that they were the most easy to modify ââ¬Ë diminish the figure responsible for and it seemed that spelling was used because there was no clip in the school twenty-four hours to suit it in. The usage of prep assignments was to reenforce earlier acquisition and to assist with memory. Homework was non assigned on new constructs or constructs that had non been taught yet, it was purely to reenforce the day-to-day activities of the lessons at hand. ââ¬Ë of the instructors reported that parents do non portion their enthusiasm or value for prep and feel prep is lending to a loss of involvement in school so the usage of prep assignments is of import to a instructor but appears to be conflicting in the place environment. Does homework advance higher accomplishment? Harmonizing to most literature it does non. Learning handicapped pupils have organisational and attending jobs that besides interfere with prep completion and farther intensify the completion rate. Deficits in base accomplishments in larning handicapped pupils besides are a concern. A cluster subject appeared which identified that pupils non merely have larning shortages but besides have motor, organisational, hyperactivity, and attending concerns which further consequence their completion rate of prep and prep does non look to advance a higher accomplishment degree since return is bad and pupils seem to non be able to understand it without aid of instructors in excess plans. Why do instructors delegate prep? The chief ground is to chiefly reenforce the schoolroom direction. All agreed that no new stuff should be given to pupils to larn on their ain. Teachers like to see the advancement and feel parents/guardians in the place should besides assist to reenforce direction. However, ââ¬Ë-3/4 complete prep and that is merely after aid in after school plans, during tiffin, deferral, and mentoring periods. It was besides found that pupils take more than an hr to finish their assignments and seem to fight with them. Sing research inquiry # 5: Professional development: Merely one subject emerged 11/12 had ne'er received any professional development on developing and making prep assignments. This is overriding as best patterns need to be explored to back up larning handicapped pupils in the schoolroom. Differentiation, alterations, and adjustments all need to be learned and applied to efficaciously use prep to its intended intent. The last research inquiry # 6: concerned with school territory ââ¬Ës policy. 100 % of participants were incognizant of school policy. It was either non shared by their current disposal or they did non cognize such a policy would even be. 10/12 stated that it is non policy, but have an unwritten regulation for after school support and other aid for pupils for prep completion. There appears to be a broad spread between instructors understanding of the difference of excessively much prep and the world of breaks and troubles faced by parents of larning handicapped pupils. The tradition continues. Teacher ââ¬Ës prep patterns do non correlate with related research. It is a simple common belief, although unsubstantiated in literature, that homework helps to stand out the pupil. Teachers in this survey underestimated the troubles that larning handicapped pupils face and miss support and preparation to help their students.The attitudes and beliefs of instructors had non been given sufficient consideration to find if instructors are portion of the root cause. There is a immense spread between existent pattern and best pattern. By utilizing this phenomenological attack to arouse the values, attitudes, and beliefs of particular instruction instructors about prep, these new disclosures filled in a spread in the literature to explicate why prep is a job for larning handicapped pupils and what instructors face on a daily footing. Recommendations: 1. Investigate standard policies and processs to see if they are compromising best patterns in prep assignments and appraisals. 2. Work together with regular pedagogues and particular pedagogues to invent an acceptable grade of alterations or alternate assignments for learning handicapped pupils that are individualized where pupils can run into success alternatively of experiencing defeat. 3. Training protocols should be put in topographic point at both the college degree and territory degrees for professional development to research best patterns by utilizing scientifically based appraisals and organisational tools to utilize with pupils. 4. Homework is one time once more with this survey brought into inquiry and argument and demands to be dramatically realigned and reassessed so we do n't lose our acquisition handicapped pupils. We do n't desire them dropping out of school. We do n't desire them being held back. We do n't desire them to go awol. We want them to be successful and turn their disablement into their ability concentrating on the positive properties they each bring as persons. Decision: Most participants espoused positive and encouraging beliefs on the importance of prep yet few seemed willing to do significant alterations to suit the acquisition handicapped pupil. This could be based on the tensenesss of inclusion, standards-focused policies, political force per unit area, or province appraisal force per unit areas. There is still a feeling that prep improves achievement and is portion of the American instruction tradition. Teachers are fighting, though, with happening ways to work with their acquisition handicapped pupils and make individualized, modified, practical prep for them. There is a spread between the current pattern and what best pattern is and this has been uncovered through the subjects utilizing this phenomenological method of research by researching the beliefs, attitudes, and perceptual experiences of this 12 New York province instructors. Based on the findings of the survey and the research conducted the survey assisted with acknowledging the adversities prep topographic points on both households and instructors, therefore oppugning the value of this century-old tradition in the twenty-first century. The survey besides determined the demand for custom-tailored, individualised assignments at the pupils ââ¬Ë ability degree, instead than at grade degree. Other than the academic benefits of prep there are besides non-academic benefits of prep. Homework helps transfuse duty for trying the work and conveying assignments back to category. Though there are benefits the pattern needs to be reformed in order to provide even for those with learning dis ablements. The survey besides shed visible radiation on the fact that pupils with learning disablements are happening it hard to get by with the velocity of the other able pupils. In this light hence there should be betterment of this sector and instructors excessively should be trained more to get the cognition of how to cover best with such fortunes of kids with larning disablements. The research has shed visible radiation on the fact that pupils with learning disablements are are happening it hard to get by with the velocity of the other able pupils. Obviously, that pattern is one that needs to be reformed. There should be more professional development preparations and a changeless reappraisal of policies and processs should be established by territories to guarantee that instructors are following proper protocol. ââ¬Ë
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Managing Health and Safety at Work Essay
Employers have a general duty under section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work. People in control of non-domestic premises have a duty (under section 4 of the Act) towards people who are not their employees but use their premises. The Regulations expand on these duties and are intended to protect the health and safety of everyone in the workplace, and ensure that adequate welfare facilities are provided for people at work. These Regulations aim to ensure that workplaces meet the health, safety and welfare needs of all members of a workforce, including people with disabilities. Several of the Regulations require things to be ââ¬Ësuitableââ¬â¢. Regulation 2(3) makes it clear that things should be suitable for anyone. This includes people with disabilities. Where necessary, parts of the workplace, including in particular doors, passageways, stairs, showers, washbasins, lavatories and workstations, should be made accessible for disabled people. Under Section 8 of the Act the employer has a duty to ensure the employeesââ¬â¢ safety, health and welfare at work as far as is reasonably practicable. In order to prevent workplace injuries and ill health the employer is required, among other things, to: * Provide and maintain a safe workplace which uses safe plant and equipment * Prevent risks from use of any article or substance and from exposure to physical agents, noise and vibration * Prevent any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the safety, health and welfare of employees at risk * Provide instruction and training to employees on health and safety * Provide protective clothing and equipment to employees * Appointing a competent person as the organisationââ¬â¢s Safety Officer Employeesââ¬â¢ duties The duties of employees while at work are set out in Section 13 of the Act. These include the following: * To take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and of other people in the workplace * Not to engage in improper behaviour that will endanger themselves or others * Not to be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace * To undergo any reasonable medical or other assessment if requested to do so by the employer * To report any defects in the place of work or equipment which might be a danger to health and safety Risk assessment and safety statement Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 every employer is required to carry out a risk assessment for the workplace which should identify any hazards present in the workplace, assess the risks arising from such hazards and identify the steps to be taken to deal with any risks. The employer must also prepare a safety statement which is based on the risk assessment. The statement should also contain the details of people in the workforce who are responsible for safety issues. Employees should be given access to this statement and employers should review it on a regular basis. The Health and Safety Authority has published guidelines on risk assessments and safety statements (pdf). Protective equipment and measures The employer should tell employees about any risks that require the wearing of protective equipment. The employer should provide protective equipment (such as protective clothing, headgear, footwear, eyewear, gloves) together with training on how to use it, where necessary. An employee is under a duty to take reasonable care for his/her own safety and to use any protective equipment supplied. The protective equipment should be provided free of charge to employees if it is intended for use at the workplace only. Usually, employees should be provided with their own personal equipment. There is a range of measures that employers must take in regard to visual display units (VDUs). These include examining the reflection and glare, the operatorââ¬â¢s position in front of the VDU, the keyboard and the software used. Operators must be given adequate breaks from the VDU. In addition, employers must arrange for eye tests and, if required, make a contribution towards the purchase of prescrip tion eyeglasses. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has published a list of frequently asked questions about display screen equipment (VDUs). Reporting accidents All accidents in the workplace should be reported to the employer, who should record the details of the incident. Reporting the accident will help to safeguard social welfare and other rights which may arise as a result of an occupational accident. An employer is obliged to report any accident that results in an employee missing 3 consecutive days at work (not including the day of the accident) to the Health and Safety Authority. Health and safety leave An employer should carry out separate risk assessments in relation to pregnant employees. If there are particular risks to an employeeââ¬â¢s pregnancy, these should be either removed or the employee moved away from them. Under Section 18 of the Maternity Protection Act 1994 if neither of these options is possible, the employee should be given health and safety leave from work, which may continue up the beginning of maternity leave. If a doctor certifies that night work would be unsuitable for a pregnant employee, the employee must be given alternative work or health and safety leave. Following an employeeââ¬â¢s return to work after maternity leave, if there is any risk to the employee because she has recently given birth or is breastfeeding, it should be removed. If this is not possible, the employee should be moved to alternative work. If it is not possible for the employee to be assigned alternative work, she should be given health and safety leave. If night work is certified by a doctor as being unsuitable after the birth, alternative work should be provided. If alternative work cannot be provided, the employee should be given health and safety leave. Time spent on health and safety leave is treated as though the employee has been in employment, and this time can be used to accumulate annual leave entitlement. The employee is not entitled to leave for any public holidays that occur during health and safety leave. During health and safety leave, employers must pay employees their normal wages for the first 21 days (3 weeks), after which Health and Safety Benefit may be paid. Health and safety and young people An employer should carry out a separate risk assessment in relation to an employee under 18 years of age. This risk assessment should be carried out before the young person is employed. If certain risks are present, including risks that cannot be recognised or avoided by the young person due to factors like lack of experience, the young person should not be employed. Violence in the workplace The possibility of violence towards employees should be addressed in the safety statement. For example, factors like the isolation of employees and the presence of cash on the premises need to be taken into account. Proper safeguards should be put into place to eliminate the risk of violence as far as possible and the employee should be provided with appropriate means of minimising the remaining risk, for example, security glass. Bullying One of the employerââ¬â¢s duties is to prevent improper conduct or behaviour (which includes bullying). An employer should have established procedures for dealing with complaints of bullying in the workplace and deal with such complaints immediately. Ignoring complaints of bullying could leave an employer open to a possible claim for damages by an employee. It is advisable for an employer to have an established grievance procedure to deal with complaints of bullying. An employee who feels that he or she is the victim of bullying can also refer the matter to a Rights Commissioner ââ¬â see ââ¬ËHow to applyââ¬â¢ below. The Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work (pdf) sets out guidance notes for addressing bullying in the workplace. Harassment The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011 place an obligation on all employers in Ireland to prevent harassment in the workplace. Under this law, you are entitled to bring a claim to the Equality Tribunal and your employer may be obliged to pay you compensation if you are harassed by reason of your gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, religious belief or membership of the Traveller community. Victimisation Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 the employee may not be victimised for exercising his or her rights under safety and health legislation such as making a complaint. This means that the employer may not penalise an employee by dismissal or in some other way, for example, by disciplinary action or by being treated less favourably than other employees ââ¬â see ââ¬ËEnforcing your rightsââ¬â¢ below. Health and Safety Authority The Health and Safety Authority ââ¬â see ââ¬ËWhere to applyââ¬â¢ below is responsible for enforcing health and safety at work in Ireland. It provides information to employers, employees and self-employed people on workplace health and safety. Its publications include a Short Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (pdf) and a set of Simple Safety leaflets which are aimed at small retail or food businesses in particular. The Simple Safety leaflets are available in other languages.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Love canal essays
Love canal essays The film Great Lakes Bitter Legacy made a lasting impression on myself. And is making a larger impact on the wildlife and communities surrounding the Great Lakes. I never understood what devastating results could be generated from chemical dumping. Pollutants like plant fertilizers, PCBs, DDTs, and POPs were dumped with complete disregard to the environment. Shocking evidence was found that fish, birds, humans, and other wildlife have been affected. In my opinion all effects must be taken seriously. Topics that really caught my attention are the effects on the bald eagles, lake trout, and humans. Wildlife on the lakes is the most vulnerable to these contaminates. With these pollutions it effects about all wildlife in the area in some way or another. The Bald Eagle, for instance, has found to be very scarce surround the area. Experts predict the life of the eagle was dramatically lowered, almost cut in half. The eagles were found to have as much as nine times higher concentration of toxicants in their blood stream compared to eagles living more inland. Even more directly affected in the Great Lakes are lake trout. Sediments in the lake were found to contain high levels of PCBs. The effects of these pollutants shocked me. The majority of young trout do not even have a chance to survive. PCB levels were so high that the trout were not able to surface to the top. Trout were born only to die shortly after, not having a chance to fill their swim gland with oxygen. Lake contaminates have also taken a toll on humans. Most affected are women of childbearing age, infants, and children under the age of 15 who have consumed Great Lakes fish. An advisory stated that fish over twenty-five pounds should not be eaten. Experiments, which included rats and infants, were conducted and results were compelling. The rats showed signs of extreme stress and so did their offspring. The children we ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women
Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women The distinction between man and woman requires no need for elaboration. It is obvious for everyone to see. But there are those who use these differences to interpret the role that women and men should play in society. In ancient times men believe that they were supposed to rule over women.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no better proof of this assertion other than the study of mythology because it can be said that mythology is a form of distillation of ideas. Thus, in Greek mythology, one can see how this belief is perpetuated. There are even those who argue that myth-making was used to propagate this view. The best examples of course are the stories that related to Zeus and the way he treated women. In Greek-mythology the power relations is easy to understand; women were supposed to be dominated by men. Greek-mythology can be partially blamed for the demotion and devaluation of women. There is no way to deny this claim because the main plot of the stories that came from this region tells of how easy it was for men to violate women and get away with. For an outsider looking in, especially those who study these myths, the way ancient men treated women is not only barbaric but accomplished with a sense of pride and entitlement ââ¬â as if it was manââ¬â¢s natural right to abuse women and do as they please with them. The idea was reinforced by the myth about gods and their relationships with women both mortal and goddesses alike. Zeus and the Excuse to Dominate Women If indeed Greek mythology was created not only as a form of explaining the origin of life in this region but also to explain the purpose of life, then Greek mythology was used as form of teaching tool to direct all the inhabitants of Greece to their rightful places. It also makes sense of the sociological order that existed during that period in history. With regards to power relations between man and woman there is no better way to illustrate it than to construct gods that have gender both male and female. These gods do not only possess the desires common to mankind but they too have the ability to procreate. It provides an explanation not only to the origin of life on earth but also about human nature. Zeus the most powerful god in Greek mythology gave the command to Prometheus to create man and for a while Zeus enjoyed the fruits of his creation. But man did something that made Zeus angry and has to be punished. The method use to punish man is one of the first examples of how ancient civilizations view women.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the story Zeus instructed Hephaesutus to create a woman of stunning beauty and name her Pandora. Her beauty was the cover that hid the deadly gift inside. It is therefore telling that when the gods made woman she was given a deceptive heart, a lying tongue and a curious mind that would soon be the downfall of all mankind. Pandora was supposed to give his male counterpart great joy on account of her beauty and other gifts but instead she became more of a curse than a blessing. The gods could have given her the abilities to become a wonderful daughter, wife and mother but instead they gave her a box. It was the box of evil because it contained a plague that would bring about sorrow, poverty, sickness, disease and all manner of misfortune. It was unfair therefore to entrust the box to her because she was handicapped with a curious mind and she could not help herself but open the forbidden box, the receptacle that was ordered to be closed at all times. It can be argued that the gods, especially Zeus wanted men to suffer on account of her. When the contents of the box was released to the world, the rest of mankind can now look at Pandora and accuse her of destroying the idyllic life that they used to enjoy. It has created a no-win situation for all her descendants. If everything goes fine and perfect then man gets the credit. But the moment things turn ugly, everyone turns to her as the reason for the cursed ground, the foul weather, and the of course the anger of the gods. More importantly, it provided the justification for manââ¬â¢s rude treatment towards women all throughout history. This is just one part of Greek mythology that many took to heart and it placed women in a dangerous position because the groundwork needed to make them the scapegoat of everything and the emotional punching bag of men was already completed. It is therefore important to clarify that this is not the truth with regards to the nature of man and woman. In reality the gender roles should compliment each other as seen in the beautiful tandem of a contended husband and a happy wife. But in many places, especially i n ancient Greece, the story of Zeus and the way he abused women is a reflection of the insecurities of men. Their behavior, especially the behavior of their male gods was the evidence of the wrong use of power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The positive use of power should result in the creation of something of great value, of great beauty and a blessing for all. The wrong use of power is rooted in the need to cover up insecurities. Thus, in Greek mythology the male gods like Zeus will never take responsibility for the things that they have done. They believe that they are always right. Demeter and Womenââ¬â¢s Suffering The insecurities of the male-dominated society created a perversion of the use of power. Man was never created to dominate women. In the same way women were never created to make the liv es of men miserable. The differences of both and their respective unique gifts were supposed to be used for the good ââ¬â provide solution to the problems of this world. But in Greek mythology, power was used to assign blame and to punish those who were supposed to be guilty. Unfortunately, women were seen as the culprits. The best example to illustrate this point is the way Zeus and the gods violated women. And one of the tales that depicts this perverse perspective is the story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Demeter was a goddess and her daughter too. But this did not spare mother and child from the perverse mind of the male gods Zeus and his brother Hades. Zeus was more powerful than Hades and therefore he could easily have commanded him to stop looking at her daughter with lust in his eyes. However, Zeus looked the other way when Hades decided to abduct his niece. An innocent child, picking flowers and not a mean bone in her body she was taken against her will. She suffered tremendously and she wailed and shouted with all her might seeking help. Her terror-filled heart was not enough to convince Zeus that his brother had no right to treat his daughter that way. But the father of Persephone did not intervene. This sends a strong message to men and women of ancient Greece. The lust of men knows no bounds and instead of doing something to rein it in, its expression is allowed even if it means violating the rights of women. This was a precursor to arrange marriages as well as forcing women to marry the men that they did not love. This story is proof that men can do what they want and they can even do questionable acts and they would never be held responsible for their actions. The introductory part of the story tells of how gods and mortals were unable to perceive what had happened. It seems to say that the ancient could easily turn a deaf ear and a blind eye towards the crime committed against women. The reaction of Zeus towards the grief and lon ging of Demeter also shows how he values his wife.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Needless to say, a male dominated society takes care of the needs and problems of men within their own circle of power and they never had to think twice to sacrifice the comfort and well-being of women if this is the way to make men happy. The story of Demeter and Persephone is not only an illustration on how men were given the right to hurt and persecute women; it is also a story of how women are forced to do evil in order to accomplish their goals. Men can do whatever they want and if they so desire something they simply took it by force. But women had to use their wiles and forced to scheme to get what rightfully belongs to them. In the end Demeter was able to retrieve Persephone but she paid a great price. More importantly, Hades was not entirely defeated because he was shown to be more crafty by cheating Persephone and as a result she was forced to spend a third of every year under the earth, in the lair of the dead because she was forced to do something that made her bound to Hades. Conclusion Power relations between men and women in ancient Greece can be seen through their mythology. The mythology as seen in the story of gods and goddesses is one way to explain the belief system of these ancient people. But at the same time it is the reflection of what they felt inside. Power relation in ancient Greece can be understood as a reflection of the insecurities of men in a male-dominated society. Men needed a scapegoat and someone to focus their frustrations. They created stories and propagated ideas that the first woman was the reason why there are so much pain, hunger, and sickness in the world. These stories gave them the justification to vent their anger on women as well as abuse them. However, it must be made clear that men were never created to dominate women and vice versa. Their differences were supposed to be used to compliment each others strength and weakness. If this happens then power can be used to create good and not evil.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Asian Longhorned Beetle Prevention and Control
The Asian Longhorned Beetle Prevention and Control Trees favored by the Asian longhorned beetle are predominantly maples, but infestations have also been discovered in horse-chestnuts, poplars, willows, elms, mulberries, and black locusts. Currently, there is no known practical chemical or biological defense against the Asian Longhorned Beetle and, in North America, they have few natural predators. How Trees Killed Are Killed by ALB The Asian longhorned beetle is a black insect with white speckles that grows a long antenna. The beetle chews its way into hardwood trees to lay eggs. The eggs produce larvae and those larvae tunnel deep under the bark and feed on living tree tissue. This feeding effectively cuts off the trees food supply and starves it to the point of death. How ALB Spreads Studies have shown that an Asian long-horned beetle can fly as far as several city blocks in search of a new host tree. The good news is that the beetle tends to lay eggs in the same tree from which they emerged as adults - they usually limit their flights under normal conditions. Prevention Unfortunately, there are no methods developed to practically prevent or control Asian longhorned beetle. If you detect the presence of ALB, the only thing that will help is to contact local forestry officials for consultation. They can take steps to contain the outbreak. The only way currently known to combat the Asian Longhorned Beetle is to destroy the infested trees. While cutting down mature trees is not a great solution for the tree owner and a tragedy, it is preferable to permitting the Asian longhorned beetle to spread.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The odd sea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The odd sea - Essay Example It transforms much like the characters in the novel. It gives off a sense of how lives can be altered through art, both for the reader and for the characters within the story. The narrative is told through the eyes of Philip Shumway, whose years-long quest to find his brother led him to the craft of writing. People deal with grief differently, some wallow in despair, others dedicate themselves to work, there are those who wish to continue remnants of the lost ones and then there are others who content themselves in letting out through writing. It becomes the outlet which enables some people to face the reality of desolation. This was the case of Philip and the people that surrounds him. With the lost of his brother, he was able to find the healing therapy that writing can bring. Then there is their father who dedicates his time to the perfection of the seemingly simple craft of carpentry to forget his sorrows. The way he oversees his art of timber framing is flawless. At one point, Philip recognizes his fatherââ¬â¢s talent as an artist among all of the members of the family. And then there is Ethanââ¬â¢s girlfriend Melissa, who takes up painting with much intensity to disregard the pain of losing young love. All of them found in art the capacity to go on living though with a whole that can never be filled. The rift that the tragedy, at the very least, be given brief moments to be unnoticed the broken ties that could never be completely mended but. This is art in its highest form. More than anything, it should be able to transport us and change us as it lets us experience its transformative facility. It presents a polarity of the effects that the event brought to Philip. His lost was manifested through a personal alteration of his life as well as a creative materialization of experiences. On the process he was able to discover his self and his purpose. Through his writing he eventually came to terms
Primary Health Care in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Primary Health Care in India - Essay Example The public health care infrastructure though is large it is not sufficient when compared to per capita number of physicians and beds for the population. Even the rate of outpatient visits to the government hospitals is poor due to lack of sufficient care. As the decentralization of state authority varies widely between states, the large cities only have significant financial authority. The lack of authority of local bodies on public health care systems as well as government hospitals resulted in failure of prevention of number of diseases and the people are ignorant even about prevailing diseases. According to World Bank reports in 1995, 1996, 1997b, 2000c, the high levels of poverty also exacerbated the poor health conditions as poor governance resulted in weak public health care infrastructure. Hence, public health care inefficiency as well as poverty and ignorance contributed to problems in India (Peters, David H. (Author), 2002). 1 The important section of population in India that bears the burden of disease is poor and marginalized income people as well as the rural people, as they are not able to bear the cost of health care in private sector. Hence, they are forced to go to public health care systems that are not efficient in curing them and thus bore the burden of the disease. According Agnihotram V. et al (2004), the disease burden of rural Indian women, suffering with asthma and bronchitis that may lead to prematurity and heart attacks. In addition to that the lack of health infrastructure in Indian rural areas is resulting in maternal deaths concentrated in the age group of 20-24 years. It has been observed that the bleeding is main cause for maternal deaths and they occur more in rural areas and in the case of poor people. The diseases that exert significant burden on rural and poor people are tuberculosis, malaria and burns are important causes of death in reproductive ages. However, the rate of suici de and burn as well as anemia diminishes with age and hence it can be concluded more accurately that the burden of disease is more in case of young poor rural people mostly women in the above mentioned contexts. The nationwide health plans in India are not sufficient to prevent the deaths and burden of the disease to maximum extent (V Agnihotram, 2004). 2 Epidemiological Causes for Diseases Among Rural Poor and Women In addition to that the nation's public health care is not sufficient to avoid the epidemiological causes for diseases in India. The disease causing burden can be attributed to highest exposures of household roles that affect the children and women as well. As the public health care system is not enough equipped to avoid the above-mentioned exposure, the demographical conditions also play a role in increasing the burden of TB, asthma and blindness thus decreasing the
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Reagan Presidency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Reagan Presidency - Research Paper Example This, coupled with foreign policy mistakes such as the handling of the Iranian hostage crisis made the current president, Jimmy Carter, a very unpopular figure. Ronald Reagan ran on a platform of returning pride to America. Many citizens felt that the country was in a state of decline due to the weak economy and the Iranian hostage crisis. Ronald Reagan promised to take a hard line with states such as Iran, as well as the archenemy of the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He said that he would return America to a position of strength on the international stage, called the enemies of America evil and proposed and economic program that would cut taxes and reduce regulations in an effort to stimulate growth in the economy. Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election by a landslide. President Reagan made good on his economic promises early. He appointed individuals to governmental agencies that were given the task of dismantling regulations that hurt American b usiness. The Environmental Protection Agency under James Watt was especially vigorous in slashing through prior regulations. Under President Reagan, controls on natural gas and oil drilling, timber harvesting and surface water protection were all relaxed (Lash et al 1984). Regulations were also relaxed on savings and loans in an effort to increase growth in this sector of the finance industry. This deregulation led to a record number of savings and loan failures in the 1980ââ¬â¢s This relaxing of regulations was just one part of a supply-side economic theory that became known as ââ¬Å"Reaganomics.â⬠The thought was that if constraints on business growth were removed, such as taxes and regulations, then more profitable businesses would grow and create more jobs. This job creation would benefit the business owners first; because they would make more money through business expansion, but then the theory said that the benefits would eventually ââ¬Å"trickle downâ⬠to the workers and employees. More profitable corporations should result in more jobs with higher wages. Today, the debate still rages as to whether Reaganomics and the trickle down theory worked. The American economy did improve, but many economists point to the fact that record government spending on the military and soaring federal budget deficits drove much of this growth. Other economists point out the fact that the better wages never materialized because the wealth created by lower taxes and less regulation never trickled down, it stayed at the top (Perotti 1992, 311-16). President Reagan enjoyed many successes when it came to implementing his foreign policy. He took a hard stance against Communism across the entire globe. Any nation that was battling communist rebels or insurgents could usually depend on foreign support from the United States. At the very end of his second term, Ronald Reagan saw the beginnings of the end of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev had introduced Glasnost as the official policy of the ruling communist party. Changes were rapidly happening that would see the Berlin Wall come down, many of the former Soviet Republics break away from Russia and Eastern Europe have free and fair elections for the first time in two generations. Many of these changes were attributed to the policies put in place during the Reagan Presidency. Unfortunately, not all of Ronald Reaganââ¬â¢s foreign policy initiatives were successful or even legal. The administration became mired down
Difficulties in cross cultural communication Case Study
Difficulties in cross cultural communication - Case Study Example 2001). As such, this paper is mainly concerned with analysing a case study that is related to difficulties experienced in a situation that deals with cross cultural communication. The paper starts by analysing the case and this will be followed by problem identification and presentation. The main part of the paper will analyse the measures that can be implemented in order to deal with the problem in an amicable way that is not likely to create more problems. A summary of the major points discussed will be drawn at the end of the paper. Case analysis Leary is the manager of a thriving financial company, Merrill Lynch, and she uses people oriented strategies to manage the company. She prefers to engage the employees in their work so as to try to get the best out of them. She also closely monitors the performance of the employees so as to be in a position to effectively manage them so that the goals of the organization can be achieved. There are about 45 financial consultants who carry out the work in the company. Of notable concern is the fact that the company has an employee, Ted Chung whose primary origin is Taiwan. Chung is specifically meant to target Taiwanese people since this segment is comprised of affluent people who can bring meaningful business to the company. Indeed, Chung brought a whopping account worth $6 million, one of the highest in the history of the company. Chung states that he has to use the Taiwanese tradition in order to attract these targeted people and there is no other financial consultant with the exquisite skills to perform this particular task. Problem identification For quite some time, Leary has noticed certain behaviour in Chung which she thinks is a cause for concern. For instance, Chung is a self centred person and he does not like to interact with others. He does not want to share his things with others and he is also short tempered. All these factors worry Leary. The other problem is that Chung has requested a private office b ut regardless of the fact that he brought one of the largest accounts to the company and he is performing well, he is still too junior to get a private office. Of the 45 financial consultants, only eight have private offices. Therefore, the problem in this case is twofold: if Leary gives in and try to appease Chung, this is likely to attract the wrath of other senior financial consultants who can also demand the same favour. This will certainly impact on the morale of other employees as well as their performance. It can also be seen that the problem is culture based. By virtue of being Taiwanese, Chung thinks that he deserves special treatment since he is dealing with a niche group of customers that has potential to bring a lot of business to the company. As such, a holistic approach ought to be taken when dealing with this case since it can negatively affect the whole organization if care is not taken. Measures that can be taken to resolve the problem identified According to Korac- Kakabadse et al (2001), the difficulties that arise in cross-cultural face-to-face encounters may be addressed with a better understanding of communication styles utilised by different cultures. In this case, it is imperative for Leary to understand the culture of Chung before taking a decisive step. People who come from different cultural backgrounds have different communication skills and this fact impacts on the way they interact with others. It can be noted that Chung is a sort of withdrawn person but this may not be his fault as may be thought by other people within the company. A closer reading of the case study shows that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit Essay
Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit - Essay Example The mission of the Company is also stated and the major underlying themes are clearly spelt out: creativity, innovation and boldness. The Press kit then sets out in detail, each of the individual items that was summarized in the capsule of information presented at the outset. Firstly, it presents a timeline of the Companyââ¬â¢s history sets out the history of SOGEM S.A., which was founded in 1995, including the development of the various collections and their distinguishing features. The next section of the Press kit deals specifically with the development of the sports watch collection and the development of the Geneva boutique. The two original collections ââ¬Å"Hommageâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Sympathieâ⬠have been rejuvenated in 2004, into two collections that are different from the original both aesthetically and technically. These two collections cater not only to men but also to women. This is followed by yet another section of the report which explains the features of the ââ¬Å"Just for Friendsâ⬠collection. The distinctive element of this collection is pointed out, i.e, it contains an engraving from Dubuis ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Just for friendsâ⬠, which in turn makes it an exclusive sports watch. The next section of the Press kit focuses specifically with the Companyââ¬â¢s ability to maintain a leading edge by constantly establishing new standards for technology, quality and design by adhering to the strict requirements for the Geneva seal. The next segment of the report summarizes the progress of the Manufacture Roger Dubuis and the expansion of the building to cope with the future demands that are likely to arise. The last segment of the report explains the expansion plans of the Company and the proposed boutiques which are to be set up at various locations in Asia. The Press Kit provides a capsule of the communication strategy the Company has followed , including the transmission of images of glamour and
Psychology of religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Psychology of religion - Essay Example needs to acts in his own interests and to ward off things that will harm him.â⬠(Retrieved from Different communities maintain different religious beliefs, though attributes affiliated with the Supreme Being are similar to some extent. The same is the case with Christianity. Christianity is the most popular religion of the globe, as its followers are highest in number to all other faiths existing in the contemporary world. Christians have extracted the attributes of God from Biblical themes and stories. But the philosophers contain diversified opinion regarding the background, description, existence and executions of these characteristics. Hodgson & King (1985) have discussed the philosophical views of eminent theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas of 13th century with the work of contemporary thinker Gordon Kaufman, in a comparative way, in their famous work under the title ââ¬Å"Readings In Christian Mythology.â⬠The work concentrates on the religious aspects of Christianity with reference of religious themes and beliefs in order to show the relation of human characteristics with those attributed with Almighty God. St. Aquinas is of the view that the merit and demerit of all the qualities obtained and possessed by humans have been determined as good or bad by Almighty God. In other words, it is no t man that decides an action, an idea, a notion or a concept as good or bad; rather, these qualities have already been decided by the Lord, on the basis of which all the actions, activities and attitude of human beings are regulated and maintained. ââ¬Å"All that man is, and can, and hasâ⬠, Aquinas suggests, ââ¬Å"must be referred to God; and therefore every action of man, whether good or bad, acquires merit or demerit in the sight of God, as far as the action itself is concerned.â⬠(Quoted in Porter, 1997: 212) In the same way, Aquinas submits that no words in any language can portray the attributes of God. On the other hand, man has learnt and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit Essay
Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit - Essay Example The mission of the Company is also stated and the major underlying themes are clearly spelt out: creativity, innovation and boldness. The Press kit then sets out in detail, each of the individual items that was summarized in the capsule of information presented at the outset. Firstly, it presents a timeline of the Companyââ¬â¢s history sets out the history of SOGEM S.A., which was founded in 1995, including the development of the various collections and their distinguishing features. The next section of the Press kit deals specifically with the development of the sports watch collection and the development of the Geneva boutique. The two original collections ââ¬Å"Hommageâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Sympathieâ⬠have been rejuvenated in 2004, into two collections that are different from the original both aesthetically and technically. These two collections cater not only to men but also to women. This is followed by yet another section of the report which explains the features of the ââ¬Å"Just for Friendsâ⬠collection. The distinctive element of this collection is pointed out, i.e, it contains an engraving from Dubuis ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Just for friendsâ⬠, which in turn makes it an exclusive sports watch. The next section of the Press kit focuses specifically with the Companyââ¬â¢s ability to maintain a leading edge by constantly establishing new standards for technology, quality and design by adhering to the strict requirements for the Geneva seal. The next segment of the report summarizes the progress of the Manufacture Roger Dubuis and the expansion of the building to cope with the future demands that are likely to arise. The last segment of the report explains the expansion plans of the Company and the proposed boutiques which are to be set up at various locations in Asia. The Press Kit provides a capsule of the communication strategy the Company has followed , including the transmission of images of glamour and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
EXAM PAPER Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EXAM PAPER - Assignment Example The steps that I would take are as follows. The first step is to collect the travel cost and the visitation information or rather the data. Direct costs are the costs used in this method. They are the costs which are normally related to the whole process of visiting the National Botanic Gardens directly. The costs of fuel, accommodation, food, and all other expenses that will be required in the whole process are used. It is very important to ensure that all the travel costs to the National Botanic Gardens are represented in the calculation. The next thing is the travel time. A lot of weight should be given on this area. The appropriate value to assign to the travel time should be considered very carefully. It should be the wage rate when people do not have the option to work during the weekends. The children should also be included in the travel time. Visit time is that time spent while at the National Botanic Gardens. The best method to use is the individual method where the visit r ate is normally calculated per individual in a given time period. The factors that influence this rate are for that specific person. It does not require averaging and a lot of calculations. Some of the challenges that are involved in using this method include the presence of substitute sites. Those who prefer one site over the others have higher values compared to other people. This should be differentiated. Statistical problems might also affect the obtained results. The choice of the variables and the method used should be done very carefully to avoid this. There are also those people who live near the site so as to reduce transport costs and time during this travel. Their value is higher and this should be noted keenly. Most people also view travelling as a hobby and hence a great experience and not a huge cost. This should be noted during the calculations. Estimating the generation function is done using this formula: Averages across the zones normally limits the number of obser vations because you will only take groups of people and then divide by the population of that zone. Working with individual counting increases the number of observations and hence a much more accurate result. Multiple regression analysis uses the following formula y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d + ?Ã where a, b, c, d and e are the variables used in the calculations. The environmental management decisions that are made under the conditions of risk are normally in situations where people or rather the managers lack the complete information on the issue at hand. This condition is rather difficult since the manager may comprehend the alternatives and the problem at hand, he or she does not have a guarantee on how each of the solution will work out. When an unfamiliar problem comes up, haste decisions which had not been planned before are normally used to solve the current situation. This decision normally involves the human judgment more than computer assistance. Since risks are normally bound to happen, putting early warning information crisis, developing management crisis plans are the best ways to help avert these problems. This is the condition of risk where virtually no information is available to help know what will happen in the future and be in a position to take the necessary precautions. The managers or rather the involved parties will therefore be risking and will rely heavily on emergency decisions. In a condition of uncertainty, the
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