Friday, May 31, 2019
The issues of the poet :: essays research papers
The IssuesThe question is What do you think the grandmother meant when she said to the Misfit, wherefore youre one of my babies. Youre one of my own children Why do you think the Misfit killed her when she said that? Since the question is two parts, Ill answer it in two parts.The grandmother said that the Misfit was one of her children in an attempt to console him into thinking that she was not someone that he wanted to kill. The reason that she says that has some symbolic underlying tones. She symbolizes Jesus, saving His flock from the perils of life, while the Misfit represents Lucifer, out to undermine the very(prenominal) fabric of our belief system. The devil, in most cases, is purely an anecdotal figure there simply for us to gauge the deeds of the good against. In this case, we go for that the devil, easily represented by an escape convict, showing all that could go wrong with a person. The convict, however, goes through all theses motions showing almost no perception as if he has no humanly response to any stressful situation.The Misfit killed the grandmother in a mute fit of rage. In his mind he was thinking, How do she get tha gall ta say shes my ma? She aint got no right ta do it. He indeed promptly killed her for her indiscretions. This simple act is brought about by a complex set of circumstances. The need of the devil to immediately extinguish all resistance to his dumbfound control the little man and you shall control the masses. The fact that the Misfit killed the grandmother in cold blood is not true. The Misfit was full of inner emotion when he carry through the act, seemingly showing no outward signs of fear or nervousness.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Measure For Measure :: essays research papers
Shakespeares Measure for Measure can be seen as an early(a) account of fetch upual harassment. While the issue of womens rights had hardly been explored at the time the sport was first performed, Measure for Measure touches on issues of sexuality, independence, and the objectification of women. Despite these serious issues, the play is considered a comedy, and the story it tells is filled with amusing characters as well as broad sociological questions.The plot c prefaces around the fate of Claudio, who is arrested by Lord Angelo, the atypical leader of Vienna. Angelo is left in charge by the Duke, who pretends to leave town but instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings-on in his absence. Angelo is strict, moralistic, and incorruptible in his decision-making he decides that there is too much freedom in Vienna and takes it upon himself to rid the city of brothels and unlawful sexual activity. Laws against these behaviors and institutions already exist, and Angelo simply de cides to do them more strictly. Claudio is arrested for impregnating Juliet, his lover, before they were married. Although they were engaged and their sexual intercourse was consensual, Claudio is sentenced to death in order to serve as an example to the other Viennese citizens.Isabella, Claudios sister, is about to enter a nunnery when her brother is arrested. She is unfailingly virtuous, religious, and chaste. When she hears of her brothers arrest, she goes to Angelo to beg him for mercy. He refuses, but suggests that there might be some way to change his mind. When he propositions her, saying that he will let Claudio live if she agrees to have sexual intercourse with him, she is shocked and immediately refuses. Her brother agrees at first but then changes his mind. Isabella is left to examine a very important decision.Isabella is, in a way, let off the hook when the Duke, dressed as a friar, intervenes. He tells her that Angelos former lover, Mariana, was engaged to be married to him, but he abandoned her when she lost her dowry in a shipwreck. The Duke forms a plan by which Isabella will agree to have sex with the Angelo, but then Mariana will go in her place. The next morning, Angelo will pardon Claudio and be forced to marry Mariana according to the law.Everything goes according to plan, except that Angelo does not pardon Claudio, fearing revenge.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Career Profile: Advertising Executive Essay -- Careers Jobs Marketing
Career Profile TaskThe career that I constitute chosen to profile is that of an Advertising Executive. Advertising professionals combine creativity with sound trade sense to market a product based on financial, sociological, and psychological research. To ensure this complicated process starts smoothly, advertisers spend a lot of clock in the office (a six-day week is not unusual). Most of their time is exhausted brainstorming, creative blockbusting, and sifting through demographic research less time is spent meeting with clients or pitching advertising campaigns. Fluidity of daily activity marks the life of the advertising executive who jumps from project to project. It takes a very make grow person to handle both the creative end and the detail-oriented side. Advertising executives work in teams on projects, so working with others is crucial those who are successful have the ability to add to other peoples ideas and help them grow. The need to be flexible can not be emphasiz ed enough. As a number of large players in the industry move toward computer-based brainstorming,-a way in which creative ideas are kept in a fluid database without regard to direct statement specificity-computer skills will become more valuable. Like most project-oriented careers, you can expect periods of intense activity during which you have little, if any, free time. At other times, the workload is well-defined and mundane.Education / Training RequirementsHigh-school preparationTake lots of English courses. Any other writing-intensive courses are good as well. If your high school offers courses that will instruct you how to use computer programs or, even better, how to create computer-based graphic art, take them, too. Youll probably be required to take a foreign language in college if you film to major in Advertising. Plan accordingly. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Advertising majors almost universally involve some fairly challenging statistics courses. Consequent ly, if you ignore mathematics in high school, youll be in for a rude awakening.Degrees Possibly RequiredDegree in Internet merchandise Degree in Marketing and/or Business AdministrationJournalism and/or editorial experience would be an assetBA/BSOther specific degrees in carnal knowledge to the type of advertising. (Example Internet Advertising = Degree in Internet AdvertisingSkills... to make it better. I tell my family and friends about my ideas, and they love them If I had an advertising account to complete, and I had a team of skilled designers, and conceptualists, I know that I could do the job pretty darn good. It takes an surpass, creative, social, skilled person who likes to, and can work with others collaborating thoughts and ideas, to be an advertiser. Through all of my personality tests and self-evaluations, I have come to the conclusion that I am almost perfect for this job. I have an outgoing personality, I am creative, I enjoy working with others, I love crea ting great humour, and I LOVE designing things. I am also close to skilled at selling products and ideas, as well as negotiating (this must be hereditary, as my mother is blessed in this area).Bibliography(March 2). Monster Job reckon Website. Online. Available http// 3). Career Builder. Online. Available http// 3). Online. Available http// 4). Google. Online. Available http// 6). The Princeton Review. Online. Available http//
John Fowles Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays
John FowlesIts A Boy Robert and Gladys Richards Fowles give birth to a baby boy on March 31, 1926, in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex County, England. The proud parents have high hopes for their son and send him to two prestigious schools, Alleyn Court School (1934-1939) and Bedford School (1939-1944), where he excels in encyclopaedism and sports. After his primary education is complete, the family moves from London to the Devon countryside, to avoid the invasion of troops in World War II.After serving two years in the Royal Marines (I 945 -1947), John Robert Fowles studied literature at Oxford University, graduating in 1950. He greatly admired Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre, both existentialist writers. After graduation Fowles taught at a number of institutions, including Anargyrios College (1951-1953) where he met and married his wife, Elizabeth Whitton. Here, he wrote poetry and several novels, though he did not submit any for publication at this time. Fowles continued to get a line in L ondon until his writing enabled him to concentrate on a career as a writer.His first published novel in 1963, The Collector, was an immediate outdo seller. The critical acclaim and commercial success of the novel finally allowed Fowles to write full time. A collection of art and philosophical thoughts called The Aristos appeared in 1964. His most durable work, The Magus, has become something of a popular cult novel in the United States. It involves the traditional quest narrative with elaborate twists and dilemmas resembling a detective story. In the 1970s Fowles began a line of projects, from a series of essays to a collection of poetry called Poems. Besides writing his own poems, short stories, screenplays, and novels, Fowles has translated Fr... ... resembles Victorian society while also display the reader the similarities to the present day. His attempts to demonstrate the double standards of all societies continue to be seen throughout his other works. The dualistic recurr ing theme penetrates the minds of the readers and keeps them coming back to Fowles work. The cut Lieutenants Woman, because of its modem day comparisons and success with the public, is now a motion picture starring Meryl Streep in the title role.Fowles accomplishments in writing continue to gain him critical acclaim and popularity with readers. He continues to write today with his latest work, Wormholes, published in May, 1998. Certainly, Fowles success in his writing career has made his parents proud and confident of his success in the future.Work CitedFowles, John. The French Lieutenants Woman. Signet New York, 1969.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays Papers
The Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The people enrol in a free market, and property is seen as an inviolable and sacred right that cannot be taken away.(1) This glorious idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism call back in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created opposition to the liberal movement communism became the admirer of this opposition. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith looked forward to a new world, which would escape the mundaneness and meanness of medieval Christian thought, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression.(2) Smith wanted to make profits with little risk involved. He in addition retrieved a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amount of people the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith overly believed the state should be responsible for the stipends of the priests.(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smiths beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to disregard Smith as the founder and favored to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smiths System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Tu rner, The Hesperian Heritage, Brief Edition, Volume II, (New Jersey Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of westbound Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of occidental Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, in Sources for the Humanities Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30. The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays PapersThe Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The people go into in a free market, and property is seen as an inviolable and sacred right that cannot be taken away.(1) This glorious idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-ce ntury Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism believe in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created opposition to the liberal movement communism became the benefactor of this opposition. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith looked forward to a new world, which would escape the edification and meanness of medieval Christian thought, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression.(2) Smith wanted to make profits with little risk involved. He also believed a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amou nt of people the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith also believed the state should be responsible for the stipends of the priests.(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smiths beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to disregard Smith as the founder and preferred to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smiths System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turner, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, Volume II, (New Jersey Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Wes tern Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, in Sources for the Humanities Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30.
The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays Papers
The Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The nation participate in a free market, and property is seen as an inviolable and sacred right that cannot be taken away.(1) This brilliant idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-century Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism believe in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created aspiration to the liberal movement communism became the supporter of this contrary. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith looked anterior to a new world, which would escape the sophistry and meanness of medieval Christian tho ught, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression.(2) Smith wanted to make profits with critical risk involved. He also believed a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amount of populate the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith also believed the state should be responsible for the stipends of the priests.(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smiths beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to ignore Smith as the founder and preferred to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smiths System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turne r, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, majority II, (New Jersey Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, in Sources for the Humanities Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30. The Industrial Revolution Essay -- Essays PapersThe Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world in which rights governed society. The people participate in a free market, and property is seen as an inviolable and sacred right that cannot be taken away.(1) This splendiferous idea is called liberalism. Liberalism emerged whole-heartedly during the Nineteenth-centu ry Industrial Revolution. Followers of liberalism believe in the rights of the individual, especially the right to property. Early in its developement, this idea caused deep clashes between the middle class, called the bourgeoisie, and the working class, called the proletariat. These clashes created opposition to the liberal movement communism became the supporter of this opposition. Many philosophers pushed the development of liberalism. The most persuasive were Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill. Smith is often considered the founder of liberalism. Smith looked onwards to a new world, which would escape the sophistry and meanness of medieval Christian thought, but would recourse to...authoritarian political oppression.(2) Smith wanted to make profits with small-minded risk involved. He also believed a constitutional government would prevent government intervention with markets. Free markets allowed for more and cheaper goods, and they would benefit the greatest amou nt of people the greatest amount of the time. This was called laissez-faire. Smith also believed the state should be responsible for the stipends of the priests.(3) This was government intervention of an individual right, freedom of religion. Because of Smiths beliefs towards religion, he was somewhat unpopular among Nineteenth-century liberals. These liberals chose to brush aside Smith as the founder and preferred to regard David Ricardo... ...irtue The Moral and Political Foundations of The Wealth of Nations, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1995), 193. - Athol Fitzgibbons, Adam Smiths System of Liberty Wealth. and Virtue, 159. - Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment and Frank M. Turner, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, wad II, (New Jersey Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996), 523. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 141. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 125. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 126-7. - Kagan, The Wes tern Heritage, 519. - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/2 - Dr. Darrow. Lecture notes. 10/14 - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, in Sources for the Humanities Hisotory and Religious Studies, First ed., 48. - Kagan, The Western Heritage, 515. - Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 30.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Text Analysis of Gerry Adam’s Speech After 1994 Ira Ceasefire
A) Who wrote the text, when, and what was their role? Gerry Adams in October 1994. Gerry Adams is the political leader of the nationalist fellowship Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland. B) In what historical context was the text produced? Throughout the twentieth century, Northern Ireland has been divided in its identity and affiliations as a advance and nation. There are those who say the entirety of Ireland should be one nation, separate from the sovereignty of Britain. And there are those who believe that even just parts of Ireland should free be loyal to the Crown and Britain. This civil war was also fuelled by sectarian conflict.Most Catholics were nationalists, and most Protestants were loyalists. On the second half of the twentieth century, paramilitary groups on both sides used a staggering amount of violence against each other, including a bombing attempt on former British Prime diplomatic minister Margaret Thatcher. It was only in the late 1980s that there has been significan t progress in the field pansy process. This included the power sharing treaties such as the Anglo-Irish pledge on 1985, and the Downing Street Declaration at 1993. At the end of August 1994, the Irish Republican Army announced a ceasefire of its paramilitary actions.C) What cultivation can be gained from the text? Gerry Adams is of the view that Ireland should be able to exercise self-determination. He is also of the view that the British government is doing more harm than good, by stalling and intervening with the Irish nationalists. He likens the case of Northern Ireland to that of South Africa, where a new structure of government would advance the peace process. Gerry Adams also lists the ways that the British government has tried to intervene in Northern Ireland, specifically how they have all been failures.The failure of the previous Stormont Government, the B-Specials, and as well as the British governments failures in upholding their word. He accuses the British governmen t of stalling advances of the peace process. D) What significance did the text have in its own time? (i. e. How was it received, responded to, celebrated or decried? ) What problems may the text pose for the historian? It was both celebrated and criticised. Those of the nationalist mind supported Adams speech. But there was also those that were skeptical of non only his speech, alone as well as the actions that has taken place in the past few months.Adams also mentions that complete peace cannot be done overnight, and would involve inclusive dialogue from all parties. His speech reinforces what the conservative nationalists have believed all along. The ceasefire in August 1994, along with the loyalist ceasefire, created some ground in Sinn Feins campaign in getting into peace talks. In December 1994, it was announced that Sinn Fein would be included in talks. So this speech was instrumental in determining the goal of Sinn Fein at the time, as well as furthering it into realisatio n. Those skeptical of the August ceasefire definitely voiced their concerns.Permanency was the concept that the loyalists wanted. This speech does not even address the issue of permanency. This is a glower omission in Adamss speech seeing as it was what the British government was waiting for to advance the peace process on their side. Adams addresses the loyalist response of a ceasefire. Though deeming it as forced and reluctant, he still sees it a step forward and a compromise. What does happen later on, not covered in this speech, is that the anger announces that it will keeps its weapons unless the British government invites them into peace talks.The ira would then say that they were ready to give up its arms later on in December, and that this was wakeless in Sinn Feins entry into peace talks. Another thing this speech misses is an accurate view of the British government at the time. Adamss speech focuses on the future of peace talks and nationalist inclusion. The insight of the British government is very very limited in the address. It would mention the past actions, and indeed failures, of British intervention in North Ireland. He would also say so without giving reasons or details on why they have failed, merely mentioning that they did.This dismissal of detail would not necessarily be integral in the purpose of his address, but by omitting facts such as these, the speechs integrity can be compromised and more vulnerable for criticism. Bibliography Adams, G. , 1994, reference point by Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams 24 October 1994 Sinn Fein, Northern Ireland, http//www. sinnfein. ie/print/15200, viewed 25 March 2013 Joint Declaration 1993 (Downing St. Declaration) http//www. foreignaffairs. gov. ie/home/index. aspx? id=8734, last updated 28 Jan 2009Reuter, 1994, IRA vows to keeps its guns until Sunn Fein can join talks, Toronto Star, London, viewed 27 March 2013, ProQuest DOI 437104235 Schiller B. , 1994, IRA truce triggers joy, and caution U. K. asks Can ceasefire hold and is it enough? , Toronto Star, London, viewed 27 March 2013, ProQuest DOI 437101608 intelligence activity Briefing Britain, Sinn Fein and landmark talks, 1994, The Globe and Mail, London, viewed 26 March 2013, Proquest DOI 385090706 Watt, N. & Webster, P. , 1994, Adams Clarifies Ceasefire Term Gerry Adams IRA Northern Ireland, The Times, London, viewed 26 March 2013, ProQuest DOI 318187621
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Racial discrimination Essay
The era of Jim Crow segregation will forever be linked with racial discrimination and the crusade for civil rights following Reconstruction. The two most influential black men of the time, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois, were also two of the most polarizing forces within the black community. both men strived for racial equality in the eyes of the law, but they employed contrasting strategies in order to combat the dire political and economic business office African Americans found themselves trying to escape.With his leadership skills and political cache, Booker T. Washington was the most famous African American leading the black charge into the twentieth Century. His power increased with his economic and political ties through the Tuskegee Institute and his relations with Presidents Roosevelt and Taft, both of whom were racially prejudiced. Mr. Washington believed that blacks should accept their subjugated citizenship for the time being kinda of agitating the white popula tion. In his mind, if blacks could earn a dollar through industrial education they would be much better off than fighting the potential power of white society.On the other end of the spectrum, Harvard educated W.E.B. DuBois took the intellectual path to the racial struggle. His theory held that blacks should never accept a lower emplacement in society just because that was the way things were. Through his writings and organizing tactics, DuBois rallied the intelligentsia, The Talented 10th, in order to raise black consciousness above the perceived concealment acceptance of Booker T. Washington. DuBois was severely opposed to racial segregation in both politics and economics whereas Washington supported an agenda based on the separation of the races.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Media Effects Theory
This is a short discourse on the look of the Media cause Theories, showing how the new theories or original selective information that is available streamly support old theories such(prenominal) as the husbandry conjecture, spiral of silence theory, and uses-and-gratifications theories among others. This give begin with a brief discussion on Media do Theory and proceed to lastlight the current developments in this scholarly field and finally show how these theories support different effects models.The developments in media get under ones skin accelerated at an enormous rate given the recent advances in technology. New forms of media such as DVD and the internet have changed the way media is delivered to the auditory modality and also the way it is perceived thus raising the question of whether or not the formulaic theories on Media Effect be still viable for the current scenario (Berger 1997). To properly understand this, it is important to first delve into the nature of Media Effects Theories.Media Effects Theory. Media Effects theory terminate be frequently defined as the theory that postulates that any level of exposure to representations or depictions of rage in any of various media cause or have the potential to cause increase aggression or violence in the behavior of the audience (Bryant 2002). Media Effects Theories are developed to provide a better understanding and to gain a deeper insight into the effects that media has had with respect to society and also the role that media plays in influencing mixer and political change (MacQuail 2000).The recent developments in media however have increase new concerns regarding the perspectives and a proliferation of getes concerning the Media Effects Theory including its investigate systemology, communications education, and public policy issues (Berger 1997). Given these criticisms of the theories on media effects, it becomes relevant to examine the existing theories and to examine how an a pplications programme program of the current theories and research whitethorn help in addressing this concern. Existing Media Effects Theories This section will briefly discuss a few of the more(prenominal) preponderant and influential Media Effects Theories today.The first discussion will be on the Hypodermic Needle Model, which is a theory that the catch of media is so powerful that it can be used to pip messages into the minds of the audience and control them (Baran et al 1995). This model was developed by the Marxist Frankfurt School of intellectuals in the 1930s. The current application of this theory today is criticized by many because the Hypodermic Needle Model was mainly a result of the fear and concern that was generated during the practice of political propaganda and mental warfare during World War I (Baran et al 1995).The second Media Effect Theory that will be discussed is the Empiricist Tradition which as the term suggests employs an application of the methodologi es and principles of the immanent sciences to attempt to measure the direct effects on audiences that may be attributed to media exposure (Mass Media Effects A Study 4). Paul Lazarsfeld, an important researcher who contributed practically to the development of empirical conducted a study into voting behavior carried out in the 1940s which to the development of the highly influential Two Step scarper Model of mass communication (Bandura 2001).There have been many criticisms with regard to this theory. sequence early on it was regarded as influential in this field with the theory of the Limited Effects, there have been studies conducted in Europe that show the exact opposite (MacQuail 2000). The current application of this theory now might be made more credible by improving the methodological diversity which scientists and social theorists have criticized (MacQuail 2000). Another influential Media Effect Theory is the Cultural Effects Approach which basically tries to analyze the social, political and cultural effects (MacQuail 2000).The advocates of this approach fall into two (2) categories, the Marxist Approach and the Literary Criticism Approach (Mass Media Effects A Study 6). While these two (2) views have gained a strong following among many, the most common criticism is that given the technological advances today, there essential be a method by which these theorists are able to provide empirical evidence supporting their assertions (Chomsky et al 2002). The other influential perspective is the Uses and pleasure Approach which allows insight into precisely how the new media differ from the old insofar as audiences utilizes these media (Gauntlett 1998).This focuses primarily on how the audience or people in general use the media to gratify their needs. While this approach is still widely used, the problem of different needs and uses particular to a single individual makes the approach perfidious to some. As MacQuail pointed out, its very difficult to connect a particular need with a particular type of media content since media use may be considered to tot up at one time or another all the benefits named (57)Now that it has been shown how these approaches have defined and been applied in Media Effects Theories, an examination of the current theories and research prevailing today must be done. Current Theories and Research As formerly mentioned, the recent technological advances have altered the way that media is perceived and acquire by the audience, allowing for arguably greater effect or influence upon the general public. This section will attempt to discuss how the traditional approaches may utilize the current theories and research available to be able to adapt with the ever ever-changing needs and demands of this field of study.The first critical issue to be discussed is the rising influence of postmodernist thought on the approaches to Media Effects Theory (Fisher et al 2004). The main ideas of this theory rely on the f act that the ideas and perceptions of individuals has already been preconditioned by media in a sense that whatever input or meaning that is derived from media is already placed in a predefined context (MacQuail 2000). This school of thought thereof suggests that in analyzing the behavior and effects the fact that media has already preconditioned the minds of the individuals and influenced the reception. Miller 2005) An approach that is closely linked with this development is the New Audience Research, which focuses primarily on the ethnographical studies of audiences while not totally disregarding the theory aspect of the matter (Fisher et al 2004). This approach uses the reception analysis, which has developed from a combination of traditional qualitative research strategies in sociology with some of the ideas of reader response theory in literary criticism (Mass Media Effects A Study 8).The important aspect of this approach is ability to confront and properly address the issues concerning the origins and influences of meaning that an individual conceptualizes with regard to the media input that he is exposed to. Another important factor to consider is the cultivation theory, which was primarily concerned with concerned with the cumulative and overarching impact it (media) has on the way we see the world in which we live (Miller 2005). This theory has recently been discussed in the research of James Shanahan and Michael Morgan which tackled the issue of the cultivation theory and idiot box.The main idea of this research revealed that idiot box programming cultivates a mainstream world view that reflects and perpetuates the interests of social and political elites and their risk in maintaining the status quo (Shanahan and Morgan 2000). This type of analysis reveals the relevance of this approach to the Theories on Media Effects because of the fact that this approach considers the context within which the images presented in media with respect to the cha nging times and culture (Bandura 2001).While this approach may not be necessarily complete and is not without its criticisms, when combined with the Empirical Tradition, a new method which combines the stronger features of the scientific method and the approach of the cultural method may prove to be credible enough to silence its critics. Application of Media Effects Theories In put together to arrive at a more concrete understanding of the issue at hand, it is interesting to apply what has been discussed to a current issue.One of these issues is the effect of media on the moral fiber of todays youth. This will be discussed in brief to provide an accurate detail of just how these media effects theories can be applied to todays social problems. As a quick glimpse at the recent events that grace the newspapers headlines show, there is and so a growing concern over the violence that happens in schools all over the country (Chomsky et al 2002).The issue is not limited to the increased jejune pregnancies or even drug abuse. It encompasses a whole range of issues such as bullying and perhaps the most frightening, schools shootings (Chomsky et al 2002). With all of these problems plaguing not lonesome(prenominal) the education system but also the entire nation as of late, the question that comes up is whether or not this is actually caused by the blood-red television shows and movies in the cable TV programming.While there has been no irrefutable data that lends credence to the theory that blood-red shows in television is the real perpetrator behind todays misguided and often violent youth, there can also be no argument against the statement that though violence on television may not be the sole cause, it is one of the contributory causes (Fisher et al 2004). There are a number of media effects theories that change integrity the argument that it is violence in media or in television that has led to the deterioration in the moral foundation of todays youth (Gau ntlett 1998).A good example of this would be the Hypodermic Needle Model, which is a theory that the influence of media is so powerful that it can be used to inject messages into the minds of the audience and control them (Gauntlett 1998). While it is not being suggested that television is being used a medium to brainwash todays youth and gaming them into an army of zombies for the media, it is being proposed, however, that the programming and quality of shows on television, such as violent programs, has a profound effect upon the youth (Shanahan and Morgan 2000).The influence, therefore, that television has upon the youth is undeniable. While this influence may have waned in the advent of the internet age and YouTube, it still bears a considerably large amount of influence over the younger children who are not able to access such media devices (Fisher et al 2004). Therein lays the danger young children with impressionable minds are exposed to violence on television leading to a d eterioration in the moral and ethical foundations of todays generation.Another interesting theory to correlate the cause, violence in television, with the effect, violent behavior of the youth, is the postmodernist thought on the approaches to the Media Effects Theory (Gauntlett 1998). The main ideas of this theory rely on the fact that the ideas and perceptions of individuals has already been preconditioned by media in a sense that whatever input or meaning that is derived from media is already placed in a predefined context (Fisher et al 2004).This school of thought therefore suggests that in analyzing the behavior and effects the fact that media has already preconditioned the minds of the individuals and influenced the reception (Shanahan and Morgan 2000). As such, given the volatile nature of the mind of a child, the input that a child receives from violent programming on the television creates a preconceived notion of what the real world is like. By showing violence on televisi on, a child may think and perceive that such behavior is actually socially acceptable (Fisher et al 2004).Studies have shown that there have been causal links found between aggressive and violent behavior in children and the type of television programs that these children generally watch. This can also be applied to the infamous aquilege shooting wherein the investigators have theorized that the motivation for the shooters may have been influenced by forms of media (Fisher et al 2004). As stated in one of the reports, Among the many theories that have surfaced regarding the motivation for this disaster the most prevalent one trunk the effect that media has on the minds of todays youth. (Fisher et al 2004) While there are those who theorize that it was the fact that the shooters were disjointed from the rest of their classmates thus prompting feelings of helplessness, insecurity and depression, as healthy as cultivating a strong desire for attention, the attention has been focu sed on the effect violent video games such as Doom, which the shooters frequently played, and rock music such as Rammstein. Every day the world searches for answers for many of the would-be avoidable tragedies such as school shootings, gang wars and juvenile teen violence.The reason for the term avoidable stems from the fact that many consider these as effects of media influences and morally evil social behavior (Fisher et al 2004). While media and television, in particular, are not the main causes for these tragedies, it cannot be denied that they have contributed to these problems (Fisher et al 2004). There may not be an easy solution for this but by identifying the causes that have led to this dilemma a big step has been taken to rectify this situation and to prevent more disasters such as this from ever happening again.Conclusion From this discussion, it is apparent that the application of these Media Effects theories is versatile to say the least. There are a number of social phenomena that occur in todays world that can be partly explained by these theories. Events such as the impact of media on todays youth, school violence, teen drug abuse and even consumer patterns are all within the ambit of these media effects theories.It is interesting to note, however, that while suitable media effects theories are present in this discussion, the field of media studies is constantly evolving. The introduction and use of new technology that aids in the proliferation and dissemination of media could prove to challenge many of these conventional theories if not alter them. Other future concerns in this area would also have to deal with the present legislative stance on certain forms of media and their content.It remains to be seen in the future just how these events will change the understanding and function of media in present day society. There will always be debate concerning the correct approach to Media Effect. Certain schools of thought will always insist on t he application of a more totalitarian perspective that incorporates unquantifiable characteristics or effects while others will insist on an empiricists approach and the application of the principles and information that the natural sciences provide.The key to resolving this issue may very well lie in which school of thought is regarded as authoritative or persuasive enough to convince the other of the credibility and validity of their findings. While this may not seem possible, events in the past have shown that even for brief moments a single school of thought or approach was held in high regard (see Empiricist Tradition).The use of these current theories on the approaches to Media Effects Theories may however be the final factor which determines what school of thought or media model will prevail. The way these current researches have incorporated the key aspects of the technological development in media as well as the way that they have addressed the previous concerns or criticis ms regarding the traditional approaches makes them a valuable tool indeed in providing a deeper understanding of human nature and the relationship that it has to media.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Paragon Tool
Executive Summary Considering the situation that apotheosis Tool is currently in, with uncertainty regarding high societys future, management in noise and the lack of tangible information regarding MonitoRobotics achievement it is recommended that Paragon Tool, take a week, gather all of senior management and develop a concrete and agreed upon system regarding Paragon Tools future growth strategy.Once such a strategy is formulated, if the service line of work and MonitoRobotics competent with these plans, then Nickolas should take the next step in conducting the necessary due diligence to determine that the MonitoRobotic acquisition price and its culture will match with Paragon Tools. Current Situation part Paragon Tool Company seems to be a healthy machine tool manufacturing association surviving in a tough industry, a primary concern for Nickolas Anaptyxi, chief operating officer, is continued growth for the company.Paragons current tool manufacturing line is surviving i n a fairly saturated market, but non exactly thriving. Mr. Anaptyxis primary goal since his start at Paragon is to grow the then small company through acquisitions. The company continues to fund more and more acquisitions while continuing to show diminished profits. While the CFO continues to debate with the CEO, Nick Anaptyxi, Mr. Anaptyxis strategy continues to be growth for Paragon through frequent acquisitions while continuing to show poor margins to investors. His belief is that the cost now will pay aside in the future.The current situation that Paragon faces is that the recently added line of business of services (repairs, service calls, etc. ) has been experiencing losses which has been pulling d profess its previously sanitary performing tool manufacturing line. Mr. Anaptyxi believed that a key way for this slow growing and cyclical company to grow and thrive in the difficult market is to rarify its market base by offering a service line to complement its tooling busine ss. The CEO has to explain to the companys investors that it will take fourth dimension for the company to see a return on its investment in the service sector.Potential New Acquisition In the interim, Paragon has been recently court a technology company, MonitoRobotics, that focuses on the ability to identify manufacturing malfunctions much more quickly than before through the services of software and technology. While contemplating this relationship, it is make know to the CEO that a major competitor of Paragon is going in on a hostile bid for MonitoRobotics Company. The acquisition of MonitoRobotics would essentially double Paragons sales revenue collaborating on remote servicing technology for machine tools.A big plus is that this acquisition would give Paragon a presence in this type of robotic diagnostic business while at the same time, blocking a major competitor from doing the same. The CEO believes this collaboration would greatly benefit the growth of Paragon by offering this additional service to its customers. Mr. Anaptyxi now needs to step up his decision and make his next move. The company first needs to understand that this possible acquisition is more than just a move to attempt to grow sales revenue.It is more a strategy to reposition the company into a more profitable and growing line of business that compliments its existing tool manufacturing line. The company has to make sure it is make a well researched decision with sufficient due diligence versus making a knee jerk decision based upon the threat of the competitors impending hostile bid. They need to consider if the company has enough management support and ply to succeed at the overhaul of the company from manufacturing to technology.Executives need to not only be concerned about the investors position on the acquisition and continued diminished returns, but on the opinion and attitude existing staff has and their related motivation, whether the cultures of the two companies can min gle into one. The top management is divided on their stance regarding the acquisition. An effort must be made to get the entire team on the same page or else, half of the team will lose their motivation regardless of the decision made. The acquisition has to be at a fair price and make business sense.Analysis must be done to make sure that Paragons existing service line will become profitable in the future, if not, the acquisition of an additional service line that may be unprofitable may mean death for Paragon. Details such as the acquisition costs and performance figures would have been welcoming information in determining if MonitoRobotics acquisition makes business sense. However given the lack there of, it is difficult to determine what kind of hardship the acquisition would be on Paragon.The description from the CFO makes it sound wish well it may be tough on the companys capital if the deal where to go through. Although the CEO states that the CFOs style compliments his own style, their differences in strategies and overall mindsets may prove disastrous for the company. The fact that the CFO thinks the company should consider selling of their existing services line while the CEO is talking about acquiring an entire company for their service lines makes not synergy among the two.They may spend more time spinning their wheels disputation over viewpoints than making progress in the companys growth. Additionally, the CEOs concern that he may lose the CFO if the deal is finalized should not be a showstopper for the CEO if the deal is in the best interests of the company. Recommendation Before a decision with such magnitude can be made, Paragon Tool must understand its current capabilities. After understanding what its management, financial and production capabilities are, then after determining the companys growth strategy, Mr.Anaptyxi and the rest of Paragon Tool will know if MonitoRobotics is the right fit for Paragon Tool. There exists too much confus ion and disagreement between management to make a decision, and even if Mr. Anaptyxi, were to force the acquisition upon his management, as it stands now, Paragon Tools lacks the management team to follow through on the merger process. While MonitoRobotics feels like a cant miss hazard, with the services business becoming a booming industry, there will be other opportunity to either acquire smaller service businesses or give time to grow the service business within.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Operations Research Questions
Pace University emailprotected Faculty works Papers Lubin School of Business 11-1-1999 The Mystery of analogue Programming Explained sanction variant Jack Yurkiewicz Pace University Fol paltry this and additional works at http//digitalcommons. pace. edu/lubinfaculty_workingpapers Recommended Citation Yurkiewicz, Jack, The Mystery of Linear Programming Explained Second Edition (1999). Faculty works Papers. Paper 21. http//digitalcommons. pace. edu/lubinfaculty_workingpapers/21 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Lubin School of Business at emailprotectedIt has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Working Papers by an authorized administrator of emailprotected For more training, please contact emailprotected edu. WORKING PAPERS No. 191 November 1999 The Mystery of Linear Programming Explained Second Edition by Jack Yurkewicz, Ph. D. Professor of Management Science and Director of the Advanced Professional certificate Program Lubin School of Business Pac e University THE MYSTERY OF running(a) PROGRAMMING EXPLAINEDSECOND EDITION As Recounted by John H. Watson, M. D.Edited by Jack Yurkiewicz, Ph. D. Jack Yurkiewicz is Professor of Management Science and Director of the Advanced Professional Certificate Program at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University. Introduction INTRODUCTION I hadnt seen my old friend and companion, Sir Sherlock Holmes (he had been knighted by the Queen and insisted that this appellation be determinationd) in several months. Feeling that I had slighted him, I rang him up and told him I would be s abstractping by the next day to see how his new business pretend was progressing.Holmes was truly glad to hear my voice and urged that we be consent lunch together. While he hinted that his firm, of which he was the sole employee, was doing well, he did indeed wish to contend a business proposition with me. Needless to say, I was intrigued. I wont bother to bore you, dear reader, with some of our mundane conver sation the next day save to say that I establish Holmes to be moodier than ever. The great detective had keen-sighted ago become bored with crime solving, claiming t present was little argufy in solving many of the violent crimes that seemed so prevalent in our society.The firm that he started provided consulting service to corporations, in which he would use his kind abilities to financial aid managers solve their business-related problems. Holmes explained to me that he enjoyed the challenge of his new endeavors scarcely was finding it increasingly difficult to converse with these business types, as he called them. He just didnt have the patience to explain his findings to them, for he found them curiously dull. Holmes went on to say that he had no doubt that this fact was the cause of the countrys lack of success in the international business environment.I didnt want to say it, but I intellection to myself that the fault might not be solely with the business managers he wa s dealing with, but partially with him, for I myself frequently found him short-tempered and impatient, even during his ordinary conversations with me. In any case, his proposition to me was simple. Holmes Listen, Watson, I just stinkpott bear the thought of explaining to these so-called leaders how they should be running their firms. They come to me with some specific problem, usually ill-defined, and then expect me to come up with a solution.I have found that getting the solution is fairly trivial, but I have the dickens of a conviction trying to explain it to them You have a solid degree on your shoulders, old fellow. Suppose you became my partner. Your only job would be to explain to them the solution that I propose, for I fear that my patience is not as long as yours is. Watson The thought intrigues me, for I have been cutting back on my practice lately and do find myself available with more free time. What procedures do you use to get your results?Holmes Mostly a branch of mathematics called summonss research, which incidentally has its roots in this country during the Second World War. I bespeak the data, attain it on a computer I have in my study, and in almost an instant, I get the results. Watson Well, I am afraid that divide it, Holmes. I dont know the first thing close operations research and thus could not possibly explain it to others. I did try to learn the receptive several years back. I bought a college textbook on the orbit and spent several frustrating days trying to learn elongate programming.The subject seemed understandable enough, but I became hopelessly 1 The Mystery of Linear Program Explained lost on the mechanics of the simplex algorithm. I was working with equations and execute what the author called elementary row operations. Believe me, there was nothing elementary about it. After lead days I threw the book down in disgust and came to the conclusion that only masochists or the temporarily insane would ever try to fat hom such a subject. Holmes I fear you overestimate the subjects complexity, but the point is irrelevant.No one really does these things by hand anymore, and so it was just your poor fortune to buy a book that was obsolete. All is now do with the aid of the computer. In fact, I am using a program called Solver, which is a part of Excel which is unusually easy to use and powerful. I get out explain the computer output to you, along with its ramifications, and then you in turn pass on explain it to the manager in question. It really is quite simple, and if I may say, also lucrative. The more Holmes spoke, the more interested I became.His power of persuasion was truly formidable, and in the end, against much misgiving on my part, I entertaind to enter into this venture on a trial basis. Holmes was satisfied with my decision and proposed that we start immediately with a problem that he had completed the other day that he was due to report on the following week. HOLMES DESCRIBES THE CASE Holmes The Maximus Computer Company (MCC) has four basic computers it sells to students and small business people. The first, called the Starter, is a basic, no-frills computer.It has most of the creature comforts that a new user or a buyer on a strict budget could want, including CDROM with sound, an entry-level processor, a small hard disk, a modem for mesh access, and a 15-inch monitor. The second case, called the Midrange, is for more demanding users. This model offers a faster processor, larger hard disk, more RAM, a videodisc player, and a 17-inch monitor. The third model, the Super, provides just about all the computing power a user could want. It offers even more RAM, a very fast processor, a large hard disk, a DVD player with hardwargon decoder, and a 17-inch monitor.All but the most demanding users would be very happy with the Super. However, for those who want the very best, the company offers the Extreme which offers a state-of-the-art processor, a huge hard disk , the best multimedia package (the latest generation DVD ROM with a five-piece speaker system), a CD re-writable drive, a 19inch monitor, and so on Thus, while the company offers only four models, it feels there is enough flexibility to cover most of the target computer audience. It is a small start-up company and counsel knows it has to compete against the heavily entrenched products from Dell, IBM, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Gateway.The company philosophy is to ship computers with brandknown components and offer superior service, all at a cost to consumers that is lower than the competitions. Watson Well, Holmes, I entrust I know about the philosophy of the company and its immediate goals. Can you please tell me more about the four models of computers we offer? 2 How the mathematical process Works Holmes As I said, Maximus attains four models with different levels of features, all with the same customer support. They believe that whatever the sophistication of the machine, customer support should be top notch and not deteriorate with the price.In the long run, that will generate customer good will and promote their growth in the market. Watson I agree whole-heartedly. manifest me a bit more about the computers themselves. HOW THE OPERATION WORKS Holmes As you probably know, the computer industry is currently very competitive, and profit margins are low for each model. The net profit on a Starter is $50, for a Midrange it is $120, for a Super it is $250, and for an Extreme it is $300. These figures already take into account material, labor, depreciation, taxes, shipping, etc. In other words, these are the net profits to the company for each computer sold.Watson Eventually we can delve into how these set are determined and perhaps how we can increase them, but for now, lets assume that they are sacrosanct. What else can you tell me about the operation? Holmes Management has, what they call three operations that make a computer. They call the first ope ration manufacture. This includes taking the customers phone call and determining which computer and options he or she wants and getting that information to the management of the production staff. They in turn will get the necessary components and make them available to the workers on the assembly line.The second operation is referred to as assembly, where the workers on the assembly line actually put together the computer, according the specifications of the customers order. These are skilled workers who take pride in their work, and even though they work on an assembly line, they do not have an assembly line mentality, for they believe they are making custom products for specific customers. The last operation is called inspection. Here we install the software, run various diagnostic tests, and generally check out and pack up the computer before we send it to the customer. Watson I see. operations?Do you have approximate time figures on how long it takes to do these Holmes It is a function of the computer. However, they have been doing this for some time now and so the time values do not vary all that much from machine to machine. Thus, for instance, for a Starter, we can assume 0. 1 hours for manufacture, 0. 2 hours for assembly, and 0. 1 hours for inspection. Our units are invariably in hours,I hope that doesnt confuse you. Watson Not at all. Actually, Im used to minutes and so I am making mental transformations, but since the company units are always measured in hours, I will use those also.Tell me the synonymic values for the other computers. 3 The Mystery of Linear Programming Explained Holmes For a Midrange, we use 0. 2 hours to manufacture, 0. 5 hours to assemble, and 0. 2 hours for inspection. Each Super requires 0. 7 hours to manufacture, 0. 25 hours to assemble, and 0. 3 hours inspection and testing. Finally, the Extreme gets 0. 8 hours to manufacture, 0. 2 hours to assemble, and 0. 5 hours for inspection. As I said, these numbers really dont vary all that much from machine to machine, but as you can see, they do differ from model to model.Watson Very well. What about your resources? How many people, or should I say, how many people-hours are available to do those three operations? Holmes I agree with you that we should talk in terms of people-hours. I have been using the term man-hours for many years and if I lapse into that gender-specific term, please for let me. To avoid anger you, I will just use the word hours from now on, but I hope you know I mean people-hours when I say it. Watson gain no fear on my account, Holmes. My sensibilities will not be hurt if you use the older term man-hours. What numbers do you have? Holmes On a daily basis, management informed me that the company has 250 hours available for manufacture, 350 hours available for assembly, and 150 hours to do the inspection and testing. Watson I presume that with all this information, we can proceed to model the problem as a linear program. Holmes Indeed, Watson. As I intimated earlier, we can solve linear programs with Excel. Excel comes with an add-on package called Solver that is easy to use and yet powerful enough to solve most mathematical programming problems.All we have to do is make a spreadsheet model of the problem and Solver will do the rest. Watson Well, that certainly is good news. I use Excel and I have made many models. But how do you make a linear program model in Excel? MODELING THE PROBLEM IN EXCEL Holmes Have a look at the Excel spreadsheet model here on my computer, Watson. It is imperative that you first learn how to model a problem in a spreadsheet. Once you master this skill, we can then proceed to discuss how Solver can be used to get the answer for us.Cells B1, C1, D1, and E1 give the labels of our computers, which in linear programming terminology are called decision variables. We want the values of these variables to appear in cells B2, C2, D2, and E2. Excels Solver will call these cells the changing cells . We put the per-unit profit of each computer into cells B4 through D4. These numbers are traditionally called the objective function coefficients. We must enter a formula into cell I2 (which we labeled as the get in cell I1) that will give the net profit for all the computers made. 4 Modeling the Program in ExcelA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B Starter 0 50 0. 1 0. 2 0. 1 C Midrange 0 120 0. 2 0. 5 0. 2 D Super 0 250 0. 7 0. 25 0. 3 E Extreme 0 300 F G H I Profit 0 max manufacture assembly inspection Available 0. 8 250 0. 2 350 0. 5 150 Used Slack 0 250 0 350 0 150 Watson I know how to do that. We would type in cell I2 the formula =B2*B4 + C2*C4 + D2*D4 + E2*E4 Algebraically, we are saying, with this formula 50(Starters) + 120(Midrange) + 250(Super) + 300(Extreme) Of course, the value in cell I2 is zero because we have zero values for the number of computers made in cells B2 through E2.Holmes Well done, Watson You should know that there is a shortcut to this rather tedious formula. Excel has t he implicit in(p) function, SUMPRODUCT, which will save us much typing. That is, in cell I2 we can simply type =SUMPRODUCT(B2E2,B4E4) That says multiply the values in cells B2 through E2 by the corresponding values in the cells B4 through E4 respectively, and then add up the results. That gives us the same result as your formula. However, it is easier to input, since we need just type in the =sumproduct, highlighting the ranges, and type the parentheses.The result is our total profit, which Solver calls the target cell. Watson I suspect that we will be using that sumproduct function again. Tell me about the other items I see in your spreadsheet. Holmes Our model is incomplete. We need to specify the constraints. These account for the technological, economic, or other limitations of the system, and restrict the values of the decision variables to some feasible set. We have three constraints in our problem manufacturing, assembly, and inspection. Our manufacturing constraint is 0. 1 (Starter) + 0. 2(Midrange) + 0. 7(Super) + 0. 8(Extreme)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Consequences of Technology
Matt Unick Prof. Rhone 11/15/12 ENG 101 Consequences of engine room The most signifi dejectiont event in history has been argued by many scholars by the years. The industrial revolution, the renaissance, or even the Neolithic revolution all have got been the top choices. One event that doesnt get as much attention is the event that is happening in the military man today. The world is going through a technology surge unlike ever before. It is an increasing advancement in technology with every passing day some might work discover back at it as a modern day renaissance.The increasing advancements of todays world has the potential benefits of creating a perfect modern union of no illness, easily accessible transportation, and maximum efficiency. The potential of technology in todays world were unrealistic thoughts a few decades ago. Though the positives of technology can lead to extraordinary opportunities the reliance on it willing be the destruction of humanity. The shun aspe cts of technological advancements includes the extinction of simple survival instincts, technology is little by little making humans dumber, and creating an unhealthy increase in human beings. engineering science is improving our everyday lifestyles and the efficiency of life itself, but relying on technology proves to be negative. The world has limited resources which means limited resources to fill our electricity. Without electricity most of the technology that is relied on will be useless. There will be no more google it to provide information at any given moment. Simple activities used to survive hundreds of years ago argon long forgotten. The processes of farming, hunting, gathering, finding natural medicine, and domesticating animals atomic number 18 now unknown to the common man.In Julia Davies denomination she discusses how dangerous it has become to rely on technology. A year ago there was an explosion in Shrewsbury that knocked out the hospitals supply for several h ours. Some of the electrical equipment did not work. The yet people who did not panic were the older healthcare professionals because we were able to use Look, Listen, Feel and knew what was happening with our patients. (Davies) She argues that professionals in the medical field dont know how to take care of patients without the technology thats given to them.Technology is extremely beneficial but Julia shows that relying on it proves it can be costly. Evidence also shows that technology has also been making us dumber. Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo have given us the power to grasp a world of information at any given moment. With the information at the tips of our fingers society as a whole should be woful towards a new stage of intellect however it seems that the human mind is regressing. Nicholas G. Carr, the writer of the article Is Google making us stupider? argues the effects of the internet.Carr states the short term storage is stronger than before, yet th e long term memory is slowly getting worse. The capacity to concentrate is being weakened through regular internet usage. The faster we ledgeman across the Webthe more links we click and pages we viewthe more opportunities Google and other companies gain to collect information about us and to feed us advertisements. Carr argues that the internets goal is to get users to move from link to link because it creates more capital for the company through advertisements. The last thing these companies want is to promote leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. Its in their economic interest to drive us to distraction. (Carr) This proves that our attention span is getting worse because of jealous companies wanting people to move from site to site as fast as possible. Using the internet has formed thinking differently and the thinking thats used in how we use the internet is now being brought into society. Critical thinking has been forgotten, the internet has changed how the mind works.Information isnt absorbed, analyzed, or applied it is used only when needed, slowly making the human race dumber. Advancements in the medical field have increased within this technology surge era. The life expectancy for humans has changed a century ago from 50 years of age to around 76 years of age according to Life expectancy by age, 1850-2004. explore in the medical field only continues to grow for example the field of cloning has the potential to discover the cures to diseases such as diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and potentially more. Human Cloning) Technology proves to be beneficial for human life expectancy. However, the longer humans live the more populated the world gets, which is negative towards human health. Professor Guillebaud argues in Steve Connors article There is no way that a tribe of nine billion the UNs medium forecast for 2050 can meet its energy needs without unacceptable misemploy to the planet and a great deal of human misery. (Connor) Overpo pulation is inevitable, it happens to every species.Unlike every species though, the human race has the power to control overpopulation. Increasing advancements in technology will only speed up the rate of overpopulation. In an overpopulated world water and other resources to survive will become scarce. Guillebaud also states Unless we reduce the human population humanely through family planning, nature will do it for us through violence, epidemics or starvation. (Connor) People will be struggling to survive and they will at last turn to necessary means to prevail.Technology isnt going away, but limiting it can define our survival. This means to not misuse the advancements in society that are given. Technology has extraordinary potential to improve efficiency in the world. It has to be taken in consideration what advancements in technology would be positive and negative for the world. The way technology has been used and the way it continues to be used will be the reason for the de struction of humanity. Work Cited. Carr, Nicholas. Is google making us stupid? The Atlantic July/August 2008 Web. Nov. 12, 2012 Connor, Steve. Overpopulation is main threat to planet The Independent Jan. 7, 2006 Web. Nov. 24, 2012 David, Julia. Over-reliance on technology is bad news for care. Nursing Standard 25. 3 Sep 22-Sep 28, 2010 Web. Nov. 12, 2012 Human Cloning Kiplinger upper-case letter editors 80. 1 Jan. 3, 2003 Web. Nov. 18, 2012 Life Expectancy by Age, 18502004 Information Please. Pearson Education, Inc. 2007. Web. Nov. 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
To whom it may concern
I am writing this letter in hold of consideration to your fine faculty member institution. I know there are many irregularities in my recent academic past and I hope this letter can clear some of those things up as well as reassure you that I take the responsibilities of my academic career real seriously and intend to maintain the academic bill of your institution.First, let me take the time to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to apply to your school. I selected your school for its proud history in our area as well as the course curriculum that you offer. Several friends have recommended the university positively as a great place to learn and succeed so I hope in addition to be able to thrive there.As you may be aware, the last semester at my previous institution was rather disastrous resulting in a 1.71 overall grade point average for the term. I am quite ashamed at such a low score, however I wish to assure you that it is the result of a very tragic and unusual situa tion and not academic negligence.My yield fell quite ill during the term and was unable to work and I had no picking but to take more hours at work to make up the slack. I attempted to drop my classes per my universitys instructions, however they only dropped two of the supply classes I was enlisted in, and the stress and worry from the extra work and assisting my ailing mother was simply too much, resulting in such poor grades.My mother passed away introductory this summer, and its clich to say that such a death makes you re-evaluate your life, but when you find yourself within the situation its quite true. I thought of all the things my mother has done for me, and all the things she will never see me accomplish that she wanted to.Her death put fire to my spirits in a way and support me to re-enroll as soon as I could to finish what I started, an education my mother always wanted me to have.I know university considerations are not often well-nigh sentiment, but rather about ac ademic rigor, commitment and honesty. However I do feel I possess these as well and feel I will be a positive addition to your student body. I am a US Navy veteran, having spent four years in the service of our country with pride.My time in the Navy was often met with hardship and regardd a will to persevere and taught me to be a stronger and more capable human being. Through your institution I hope to graduate and earn my commission to bear on with my career in the US Navy.In my application I have enclosed my naval evaluations. These are evaluations done at regular intervals that serve as a kind of report card of our service. While I understand my last academic term may have put a bad mark on my academic history I hope the spotless record of my naval service can help to put a bit of perspective on my long-term prospects as an academic student. Should you require any additional documentation or assistance in reading said evaluations, please let me know.In closing, again, thank yo u so much for the opportunity to continue my education and to make my mother and country proud. I hope my admission to your university will be a fresh start for me on the road to my emerging career goals and happiness.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Government Control and Subsidy of Energy vs. Private Sector Investment Essay
A subsidy is a stipend from the government to a business to encourage the continual use or development of a engine room or product that is considered to be useful or beneficial to the society. Most often, the money (or subsidies) is coming like a shot from taxpayers. This is where Milton Friedmans signature phrase, at that places no such thing as a unaffectionate lunch comes in to play. A unit of a product or service may be free for one person, someone or something is enduring an opportunity cost. Currently, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are being subsidized by roughly $24 million a year because of the perceived environmental benefits that go along with green technologies. However, renewable energy companies such as Solyndra become gone bankrupt and the government has financial supported them to keep them running via subsidies. The argument for go on these subsidies is that wind and solar are still in the start-up phase in the industrial world and ha ve not yet reached large scale marts. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that these companies will ever be largely profitable because renewable energy, with a few exclusions, are unable to reach the profitable market borderline that generating plants fueled by coal, natural gas or nuclear can.While the government tries to focus their support on said renewable energies, only providing limited tax breaks for the cloistered oil companies, the US esoteric firmament has produced a substantial increase in oil. 2011 was the third consecutive year of higher interior(prenominal) oil production and, at the same time, natural gas bring output reached an all-time high. Over the aside five years, about two thousand new jobs have been created in the oil and gas application while employment growth for renewable energies has been limited at best. With many of the recent failures of several renewable energy companies, employment has declined in this area during several periods. The renewa ble industry will also contend to prosper because they rely too heavily on the government for support. The government has taken billions of dollars and will emplacement it in this industry with little to no return for the enrichment of the economy and society. Friedman makes a rather sarcastic causerie on activities like this by saying, If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years thered be a shortage of sand. This is an example of rent-seeking.Rent-seeking is a term, utilise by economists, to describe actions that involve a political process of taking wealth of others and getting basically a loss of wealth. Without the incentive to compete to raise and gain money, the renewable energy industry doesnt feel the need to produce more efficient and cost effective products or services. On the put away side of that, since most companies in the oil industry are in the private sector, the profit but is a large enough incentive to supply valued goods an d services at reasonable prices. If private sector companies do not continually improve or develop, they will quickly be weeded out. Since the private markets are decidedly competitive, they are continually searching for the sweet spot in the market that assures a large and readily available supply of energy and the cleanest yet practicable balance of the work of our limited resources, all at the lowest price possible.Despite the fact that for more than a decade, there has been a large amount direct taxpayer support, renewable energy still cannot meet the market implore and, therefore, the subsidies for these areas should be significantly reduced if not completely done away with. If politicians are truly touch on with cutting greenhouse gas emissions, a better allocation of federal spending would be to organise subsidies and incentives towards natural gas and nuclear power plants. These clean-burning fuels can heat our homes, power our vehicles, and generate electricity for the Statess households and industries a lot more cheaply and reliably than renewable energy can. If America is not careful, it will quickly fall into crony capitalism.Crony capitalism, in layman terms, is where private businesses focus on doing political favors rather than the consumer market because the government uses spending, regulations, and subsidies to benefit businesses that provide political support. Instead of trying to foot winners and losers, the government should create a competitive marketplace with fair rules, no subsidies, and allow the private sector to prosper. One great aspect of America is the freedom to continuously change business strategies and marketing to accommodate to change. Like Milton Friedman said, Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more imperative problem is to protect the consumer from the government.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Anatomy Unit 6 Study Guide
whole 6 Study Guide 1. The types of sinews are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. 2. The muscle is made up of myofibrils that allow for muscle contraction. 3. The separate of the myofibrils that allow for it to extend out are called the sacomere. 4. The brass cell that connects to several muscle fibers called a labour neuron. 5. The thick ones are protein myosin. The thin ones are protein actin. 6. The chemical substances that cannonball along the muscle to contract are called neurotransmitters 7. Acetylcholine contracts the muscles. 8. Acetylcholines are sto rubicund at the end of each ride neuron. . The combination of the motor neuron and the muscles it controls are called a motor unit. 10. The elan vital storing molecule found in the mitochondrion is adenosine triphosphate (adenosine triphoshate). 11. If there is a lack of ATP because there will be muscle cramps. 12. The chemical that builds in the muscle caused by strenuous employment is lactic acid. 13. The pigment that caus es blood to be red is hemoglobin. 14. The pigment that causes the muscles to be brown is myoglobin. 15. The discoloration and protrusion in a muscle strain is caused by ruptured blood vessels. 16.After death where ATP decreased and muscles cannot loose the body then rigor mortis will believe place. 17. A contraction then sudden residuum of a muscle caused by a hotshot stimulus is called a twitch. 18. The delay between the eon the stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called potential period. 19. Partially inflamed and swollen tendons are called tendonitis. 20. The dogged end of the phrase is called the origin. 21. The movable end of the joint is called the insertion. 22. Muscular dystrophies is inherited disorder which causes the collapse of muscles.Anatomy Unit 6 Study GuideUnit 6 Study Guide 1. The types of muscles are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. 2. The muscle is made up of myofibrils that allow for muscle contraction. 3. The parts of the myofibrils t hat allow for it to extend out are called the sacomere. 4. The nerve cell that connects to several muscle fibers called a motor neuron. 5. The thick ones are protein myosin. The thin ones are protein actin. 6. The chemicals that stimulate the muscle to contract are called neurotransmitters 7. Acetylcholine contracts the muscles. 8. Acetylcholines are stored at the end of each motor neuron. . The combination of the motor neuron and the muscles it controls are called a motor unit. 10. The energy storing molecule found in the mitochondrion is ATP (adenosine triphoshate). 11. If there is a lack of ATP then there will be muscle cramps. 12. The chemical that builds in the muscle caused by strenuous exercise is lactic acid. 13. The pigment that causes blood to be red is hemoglobin. 14. The pigment that causes the muscles to be brown is myoglobin. 15. The discoloration and swelling in a muscle strain is caused by ruptured blood vessels. 16.After death where ATP decreased and muscles cannot relax the body then rigor mortis will take place. 17. A contraction then sudden relaxation of a muscle caused by a single stimulus is called a twitch. 18. The delay between the time the stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called latent period. 19. Partially inflamed and swollen tendons are called tendonitis. 20. The immovable end of the joint is called the origin. 21. The movable end of the joint is called the insertion. 22. Muscular dystrophies is inherited disorder which causes the collapse of muscles.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Speech
To Kill a Mocking Bird saving We as white populate in 2010 treat black people as equal as we treat another white person. Back in the 1930s this wasnt the case. Prejudice towards black people was happening almost everywhere, especially in the state of Alabama. This was where Harper Lee had decided to base her myth To Kill a Mocking Bird. She wrote this book to show the people the racism, discrimination and prepossession towards black people. My tantrum is based during the aftermath. I refer to the Anti-climax of the story.The climax was court case of Tom Robinson where he was charged with raping a white girl. Even know that they had lost the case, the Anti-climax continues the story to either sub-plots being resolved as hygienic as a second climax appearing. Atticus one of the main characters and Tom Robinsons lawyer model that he won by convincing the people of Maycomb to understand the prejudice of black people during the case. look across Maudie claims that Atticus is one o f few people who can change the views of the residents in Maycomb.The questions about Boo Radley atomic number 18 finally answered in the sub plot chapter 24. Boo Radley is not black, but the residence treats like one. However, in the second climax that he finally appears and saves Scout and Jem from Mr Ewell. The most common technique used was Symbolism. The act the novel to kill a mocking bird symbolises the common black person and that they are harmless. It takes meter until Jem understands this but he finally realises this after the death of Tom Robinson.By this point Jem finally recognises the black prejudice people use and that he despises Boo Radley for no reason. This made him seem like another racial man. Mr Ewell was portrayed as the bad guy of the story, He possibly beat up his daughter, He contend Atticuss children and spat in Atticuss face. He basically represents a move into of prejudice in the story, and Atticus attempts to fight against it. The anti-climax was to be interesting because although Tom is dead, we see how everyone reacts to it. Thank you for listening.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Politics in Modern Film (V for Vendetta)
The accept I focused on for this essay, V for Vendetta, was filmed and produced in 2006 by Warner Brothers. The plot of the film circulates around a mysterious and magnetised masked freedom fighter creation hunted blue by the totalitarian British political relation in the near future. Although his full identity is kept a mystery throughout the film, audiences learn he was a victim of a cruel scientific experiment involving unwanted British citizens and hormonal drugs.He spends decades formulation out his revenge on those involved. While making preparations for both his revenge and a nation-wide revolution, the character cognize only as V has a run-in with a young woman working for the transmit station he later taking hostage. The day he takes the station hostage, the woman named Evey recognizes him as the homogeneous man who rescued her star night from crooked British patrolmen prowling the streets. Evey comes to his aid as V is some caught and she is knocked unconscious i n the process.The rest of the film leads audiences into the ever-thickening plot as a detective investigates and attempts to track down the terrorist only to discover an even more(prenominal) sinister power behind the deaths of thousands of British citizens their own government activity. lay this film into a category based on its intended audience was a challenge. The film ex pleades determine both of the mass and subgroup categories. The values shown atomic number 18 peerlesss that indirectly praise American government for its constitutional rights of religion, press and speech, but it also promotes ideas of anarchy.Although both views have their strong arguing points in the film, I believe this film expressed more mass values. This is because the criteria for subgroup values demands that the public must be largely portrayed as being stupid and counter-active to the goal at hand. However, in this film, V must rely solely on the publics participation in order to carry through his vision of freedom. In a televised speech to the populace, V makes claims that have resounding similarities to our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Fairness, justice and freedom are more than words. They are prospectives. He says. This is, in my mind, one of the most profound quotes in the film, behind his other affirmation that people should not be afraid of their governments governments should be afraid of their people. The timing of the film and its debates on fight point directly to Americas involvement in the war on terror and to prexy George Bush. The movie was filmed in 2005, only two days after the official war in Iraq was launched.The High Chancellor in the film, Adam Suttler, is described as being an ultra-conservative man with no reason of political process. This parallel seems to encourage a commonly debated political division pointed out in the discolor House by Americans opposed to the invasion and the war overseas. The film even makes a blata nt mastery about America being in an on-going war that deprived it of its wealth and resources. A line reads They were a arena who had everything, absolutely everything and now, 20 years later is what?The worlds biggest leaper colony. There are still many Americans today who have strong aversion to the presence of American military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Voice of England, the a man revered as the biggest spokesperson in the English broadcasting sector, delivers a line in the film as he goes down the list of people unwanted and banished from the countrys boarders. This list, in addition to teens with sexually transmitted diseases and homosexuals, names Muslims specifically.In 2005, there was still unease in America about Muslim-Americans and risks they might pose to national security, much like the unrest about American-Japanese citizens that marked the time after the onset of globe War II. Detective Finch, the detective working the V character reference to track him down before the revolutionary date, has a discussion with his partner after unearthing facts about the government. If your government was responsible for the deaths of almost a hundred thousand people, would you really want to know? This observation has contact similarity to theories voiced by a small portion of society who claim the attacks on the World Trade Center were carried out by our own government. The number 5 is a common theme in the film the number of Vs cell in the concentration camp, the fifth of November being the date of the revolution, and the number of branches to the British government they call the branches the nose, eyes, finger, ear and mouth. This is also the number of branches of our military The Army, the ocean Corps, the Navy, the Air force and Homeland Security Coast Guard.Whether or not this parallel is intentional, it is one I noticed. A blacklist is also mentioned in the film after Chancellor Suttler demands the 1812 Overture, which played during t he Old Bailey Statues explosion, be added to the back list so he may never hear it again. This is the only cold War reference in the film which tells me is was intended to be a more general statement about government censorship and control of information made available to the public.One political, or even social, statement made in the film that I agree with is Finchs statement about how this terrorist still has man emotions, shown by his taking and defendion of Evey after she rescues him. I believe one mans terrorist is some other mans freedom fighter and people will always be at odds with each other. It is important to remember that even the most violent people do have passions and concerns. When one fights that hard for something, it obviously means a great deal to them. People are quick to swallow up about the humanity element in wars.During the investigation, Finch and his partner watch V on a exposure monitor as he stands over Eveys unconscious body. Finchs partner says , Hes a terrorist. You cant expect him to act like you or me. Finch, who sees that V took the girl to protect her out of compassion, responds with some part of him is human. Another statement made that I agreed with was one that also amused me. Detective Finch is searching for records of the concentration camp that supposedly imprisoned V years ago, but has little luck finding any.He says, One thing is true of all governments the most trusty records are tax records. Isnt that true? This movie used many effective avenues of media to reach its audience. It include and alluded to several other pieces of literature and music within the film itself, which was a very clever construction used to influence audience members to explore those hints individually. Literature seen in the film like The Count of blood cell Cristo and the theatrical play Faust may also hold clues to political statements made even more subliminally in the film if evaluated within the context.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Reflective Journal Essay
Before the briny discussion of the reflective ledger, the causality would offsetly like to identify that how the brass sectional strongness subject affected her. In the beginning, the author chose this subject repayable to the reqirement that she must choose six units of third-year direct to complete her degreee. And she didnt put on any knowledge rough this subject before she decided to choose it. When she at tended the first lecture of organisational wellness , she only has abstract and vague concept of the unit learning objectives.After the ten weeks learning, she has cleargonr and better accord of herself and she has kn feature most primal concepts which should be considered when addressing the wellbeing problem in the workplace. On the whole, the author will re witness the material that learned in this subject some times in the early. And the material that she learned in this subject whitethorn assist her to solve the relevant problems in her future working life. T o achieve this determination, this reflective daybook will concentrate on six matters that were covered in this unit.The author will present her understanding of these takingss and how these compositions open fire assist to address the wellbeing problems in the workplace. Moreover, the author will illustrate the reasons why these topics be memorable and helpful in the future. Farrell and Geist-Martins wellness seat The first topic which include in the reflective journal is kinda positive to me. It helps me to know the innate framework of Wellness Model. And I had a clearer conception of Organisational Wellness after I be week iis lecture and read the relevant material about this topic.This is the first topic that covered in the reflective journal. And it is one of the important topic in this subject. It introduced the framework of wellness simulate and it montioned some concepts that would be covered in other topics. Farrell and Geist-Martin(2005) developed a model of working well. It includes two parts of identities which are organisational health ideologies and individual health ideologies. The figure below shows that Farrell and Geist-Maritins (2005) working well model.Figure 1 Model of working Well The organisational health ideologies include the following four elements 1) mission, vision, values, and goal statements that incorporate and buy the farm a working-well philosophy (2) mechanisms that allow employees to provide feedback about the wellness program (3) top(prenominal) eliminatement to support the working-well philosophy (4) a continuous system that allows employees to prise the financial, social, environsal, organisational and personal health of the wellness program. And the individual health identities involve four elements as well. It consists of psychological health, physical health, social health and unearthly health.The aim of the Working Well Model is to develop an efficient and accurate wellness program. And the organis ations want to remedy employees production and work efficiency through the Working Well Model. Moreover, as the figure supra shows that organisational health ideologies should express their message and idea of wellness to the employees. And then, the employees would give some feedback to the organisations. For instance, employees view of wellness and health. The organisations dismiss improve the wellness program according to the feedback of employees.Farrell and Geist-Martin(2005) claimed that the organisation expect to know individuals view of health and wellness and how they response to organisational health ideologies. If the organisation fail to negotiate with employees, the wellness model would non be successful. Therefore, it is important for the organisation to communicate with employees, otherwise they would not develop an efficient and accurate wellness program. However, the organisations view of health ideologies may different from the individuals. For example, the hea lth ideologies of Telstra attempt on the economic and productivity goal.There were some news reported that some employees of Telstra throne not dedicate the work show and chose to end their lives in 2007. Cubby (2007) wrote that employees suicide were related to the extreme work idiom in Telstra. According to the news, Greg Winn, Telstras chief operations officer said that WE RUN an absolute one-man rule and thats whats going to drive this transformation and deliver results. (Cubby, 2007) Furthermore, Greg Winn claim that the employees in Telstra must see any measures to persuade customers to accept the service that they offered.And Telstra were trailing employees productivity. If the employees wear downt operate and satisfy the superscripts reqirement, they would be fired from Telstra. As such a workplace environment with extreme push to meet Telstras goal and get profit, some employees committed suicide. Hence, the organisation should not only focus on the economic goa l, but also should know emloyees view of health identities. If they just focus on the economic goal and ignore employees health, the productivity of employees would lower than normal level or sluice worse. Also they may lead to negative effects on employees.In a word, the Model of Working Welll is important to the organisations and individuals. After I learned this topic, I realized that we should consider both perspectives of health ideologies. If the organisation or individual just consider their knowledge benefit but ignore another fellowships perspective, the wellness program would not efficient. Moreover, I consider I will apply these concepts to rate my health level in the future. If the organisation force me to fulfil an impossible target, I will cover up and do anything I can to protect my walfare and rights.In addition, when I work in a company, I unavoidableness to consider the organisations perspective and my own perspective of health ideologies. It is important to look at these two perspective of health ideologies instead of considering personals perspective only. Once the organisationals perspective and personal perspective of health ideologies are quite different from each other, the two parties should communicate with each other to work out the problems. Thus, the Model of Working Well help me to develop an overview of Organisational Wellness and introduce some concepts which are useful to organisations to create a wellness program.And I knew the importance of persuasion health ideologies by different angles. Physical Health Identities This topic has been included in the reflective journal for reasons that helped me identify the symptoms of stress and gave me some idea to release my stress. Another reason for covering this topic in the reflective journal due to the great impact on my stress management and stress awareness. Also, it is the warrant topic which covered in the reflective journal. This topic is one of the most important and u seful topic for me to cover.And the aterial of this topic is quite interesting. Furthermore, this topic can help me to aware the stress symptoms and stress level in the future. And it will allow me to manage my stress in a better method on the primer of stress symptoms and stress level. Before I knew that we should track our stressors for five weeks as an assessment of Organisational Wellness, I bring forthnt realized that this semesters stressors have some impact on my study life. I similarlyk three compulsory units and one elective unit in this semester. And two of them are quite difficult.though I knew in advance that this semester would be tough enough for me, I still think so positive and optimistic of these stressors. And I believe that I have got the ability to handle these challenges. Unfortunately, I overdone my ability to get out with the stressors. The stressors came too fast and I havent got enough time to deal with these challenges. Moreover, the stressors began to affect on my daily life and my physical health. When I started to record and track my stressors and the symptoms that raised by stress, I realized that the stressors have some impact on my physical health.During these five weeks, the major stressors included the class test, writing the assignment, overcommitted and difficulties with parents. Other stressors involves changing in sleeping habit, sense of overload in school, execute in front of a class, and lack of sleep. Moreover, there were a series of stress events which contained the relationship with friends became worse, family affairs, and the noncooperation among the class member when we planned to do the presentation. The class test and writing the assignment led to highly nerve-wracking in week 4. Because the class test was counted as part of my final result.And it was the first time that I took that kind of short answer test. The assignment was another major stressor in week 4 due to the degree of difficulty. I was so wor ry about that I couldnt finish the assignment on time. In addition, other stressors led to moderately stress among these weeks. After fewer weeks, too many challenges were presented to me at the same time. And it beyond my capability to fulfil and operate these challenges. I began to feel the stress and the stress level became more and more higher. Thereafter, the symptoms of stress has appeared.They included powerlesness, depression, irritable, headaches, backaches, insomnia, anxiety, physical weakness and have sleeping difficulties. When I was tracking the stressors, I reviewed some materials which include lecture notes and reading on physical health identities. After I reviewed the materials of physical health identities, I found out that there was a similar pattern has appeared betwixt the stressors and my physical health symptoms. In week 3s reading from Halpern(2005), he mentioned that there was a relationship between physiology and job-related stress.And he also pointed out that the impinge between two aspects of ones job would lead to job stress. For example, employees need to complete a hugh amount of work within a limited time and maintain the accuracy, or while other roles and responsibilities have battle with job demands (Halpern, 2005). For me, the conflict between two aspects of ones job may refer to my study life and my family affairs. Moreover, I believe that there were some conflict between my individual roles and responsibilities in these weeks. Because I have many assignments and tests to complete for my study and I also have some family affairs to resolve.There were some conflict between the roles. And I could not fulfil these tasks at one time. During the period of recording and tracking my stressors and stress symptoms, I essay some measures to release my stress. The methods included jogging, having a chat with c regress friends, honoring funny movies, preparing the relevant materials that need to review and so on. These methods he lped me to release some stress during these five weeks. Therefore, the physical health identities help us to realize the symptoms of the stress. And then we can try to manage our stress according to the symptoms of stress and stress level.If we know the extent of our stress, we can find out more suitable method to manage the stress. It will be useful in my futures work life because there are more stressors in the workplace. religious Health The third topic has been included in this reflective journal is about Spiritual Health. I did not quite understand the real meaning of Spiritual Health before I read the weekly reading material and attended the tutorial. And I didnt think about Spiritual Health so deeply before I attended the lecture.My understanding of Spiritual Health was only on a superficial dimension. Spiritual Health is a quite abstract and difficult topic for me to understand. Because it can not be totally explained by words. In my own opinion, inwardness is the thing th at truely inside e trulyones heart. Mitroff and Denton(1999) stated that spirit is the basic feeling of being committed with ones complete self, others and the entire universe. In other words, no one can force you to accept their point of view. Because everyone has his or her own value of the world, the society and other things. These values that peck believe are shaped in peoples childhood.And the society that people stay would have an impact on personal value as well (Rokeach, 1973). Hence, once individual has formed his own value, it will be difficult to persuade him to change his value. When I was taking the tutorial of this topic, I began to think more deeply of my spiritual health. Especially, after I heard other classmates approximations of the things that they experienced during the tutorial. Howell (2005) pointed out that spiritualty is a continuous process to find its deeply meaning and purpose in our life.However, the problem that I faced on was I even didnt realize th e spiritualitys importance and I didnt begin my process to find the meaning and purpose in my life. I grew up in a traditional family and my parents arranged all the things for me include the schools and the major I took in the university. Until now, I have entered into the second year of the course in the university, I still havent think about what kind of job would I take in the future. The one really inside me has not been detect yet. I didnt have got the things that I really want to do in the past few years.The truly me has not been concerned before I noticed the importance of spiritual health. Thus, I tried to dig out that who I really am. However, how to improve the current thought and understanding of spiritual health inside myself is an intractable problem. If you just simply object to others opinion, for example your parents, or escape from the current environment you live, that would not change anything. You just try to escape from the reality. The way of digging out your own spirit is to find out the things that you really want to do and the things that you worth to do. It is important to seek the meaning of our life.We dont live for other people. We live for ourselves. If we couldnt find out the things we want to do, the life would lose its meaning. And we might lose the purpose of living in this soceity. Everyone has his or her own value of their lives. It is difficult to evaluate whether other peoples spiritual world is happiness or not. One day, I was watching the news on TV and that news really impressed me. The content of the news was about some children in remote area need to tramp over mountains and through ravines to arrive at the school. The mountains that they need to climb are quite steep and dangerous.When the journalist asked them whether the study life like this is tough, most of them thought it was normal in their daily life. Though the road to the school was tough, they still feel happy because they can study lots of knowledge in t he school. I was really impressed by these childrens words. They roll in the hay the things that they were doing and they think the things were worth to do, though that seems very tough to others. They satisfy with their daily life and feel very happy. But when we think about ourselves, we always complain the society and the daily life. Our lives are inundated with dissatisfaction. perchance this is due to people who live in a better environment have gain too much and they still desire for more things. Based on this understanding, I decided that I need to work hard in the future and try my best to help the children in China who are in remote area. If I have the qualification to teach these children, I would volunteer to help them. It is a long and difficult process to dig out my own sense of spirituality but Im trying my best to do it. Overall, the spiritual health is a very difficult topic to understand. Both organisational and personal spirituality are important to us.Though I di dnt metion the organisations spirituality in the discussion above because I havent got any experience of it. To an individual, if he know the meaning of his life and he has got the living purpose, he might live better in his life. Because he has the appetency to success in his life. For me, the spiritual health is important as well. And Im trying to find out my own spirituality. Moreover, I have realized the importance of the spirituality in the workplace, and hope my better understanding of spirituality can help me to find a suitable job. And it may allow me to have a better performance in my future workplace.
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