Sunday, February 23, 2020

Analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis - Article Example The researchers justified the use of qualitative method because they asserted that certain dimensions of nursing errors remain unexplored. They did not explain the philosophical underpinnings of their research method, although they highlighted that they believe that there is enough confusion, ambiguity, and diversity on the definitions and perceptions of medical errors, which warrant the need for more contextual exploration on critical care nursing’s understanding of nursing errors in particular. The researchers explained their purpose sufficiently when they stated that they aimed to explore how critical care nurses perceive nursing error and its causes. They believe that their study is important in providing a specific perspective on what constitutes nursing errors and what factors may cause them. To collect data, the researchers used the qualitative content analysis method which generally uses interviews and other qualitative data collection methods and content analysis in conducting the research. The method is compatible with the purpose of the research because the research necessitates exploratory questions that are more open-ended than close-ended, since the researchers want to know the actual range of perceptions of critical care nurses, and not to test specific models or theories about nursing errors. Moreover, the method adequately addresses the phenomenon of interest since the researchers are interested in knowing what the target subjects think about nursing errors and its causes, so they need to ask open-ended questions to collect answers in an exhaustive manner. In addition, the researchers completed the study using the qualitative content analysis method because they conducted deep, semi-structured interviews that are based on general open-ended questions which can encourage participants to think deeply and extensively about their

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